According to MDN documentation for JSON.stringify:
Properties of non-array objects are not guaranteed to be stringified in any particular order. Do
These days I've been playing with the deterministic way to stringify an object and I've written the ordered object stringify to JSON, that solves the above noted dilemma:
Also I was playing with custom hash table implementations which is also related to the topic:
var orderedStringify = function(o, fn) {
var props = [];
var res = '{';
for(var i in o) {
props = props.sort(fn);
for(var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var val = o[props[i]];
var type = types[whatis(val)];
if(type === 3) {
val = orderedStringify(val, fn);
} else if(type === 2) {
val = arrayStringify(val, fn);
} else if(type === 1) {
val = '"'+val+'"';
if(type !== 4)
res += '"'+props[i]+'":'+ val+',';
return res.substring(res, res.lastIndexOf(','))+'}';
//orderedStringify for array containing objects
var arrayStringify = function(a, fn) {
var res = '[';
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var val = a[i];
var type = types[whatis(val)];
if(type === 3) {
val = orderedStringify(val, fn);
} else if(type === 2) {
val = arrayStringify(val);
} else if(type === 1) {
val = '"'+val+'"';
if(type !== 4)
res += ''+ val+',';
return res.substring(res, res.lastIndexOf(','))+']';
Using Underscore or Lodash:
var sortByKeys = function(obj) {
if (!_.isObject(obj)) {
return obj;
var sorted = {};
_.each(_.keys(obj).sort(), function(key) {
sorted[key] = sortByKeys(obj[key]);
return sorted;
var sortedStringify = function() {
arguments[0] = sortByKeys(arguments[0]);
return JSON.stringify.apply(this, arguments);
Works in latest Chrome and Firefox.
JSFiddle here: