I am trying to convert a JavaScript object set in to CSV format
You can get the idea about my Javascript object, if you put it in online JSON parser http://json.pars
Probably more elegant and the simplest solution, plain javascript in 4 lines of code (tho it works only for flat objects, i.e. no arrays inside)
function convertToCSV(arr) {
const array = [Object.keys(arr[0])].concat(arr)
return array.map(it => {
return Object.values(it).toString()
id: 1,
name: 'Foo',
timestamp: new Date()
id: 2,
name: 'Bar',
timestamp: new Date()
id: 3,
name: 'Baz',
timestamp: new Date()
Edit. Some explanation:
First lets have a look on [Object.keys(arr[0])]
If you do Object.keys({ foo: 123 })
you'll get another object (an array) which is represented like that: { 0: "foo" }
. If we place both of these objects in an array we will have
{ 0: "foo" },
{ foo: 123 }
which is being done with .concat(arr)
Now, as you can see, if we take just the values of everything we have in the array, we will get a valid CSV where each row is represented by an entry in the array. It's exactly what this part does:
return array.map(it => {
return Object.values(it).toString()
Use papaparse library to convert JSON to CSV and Vice Versa. Refer to this link - https://www.papaparse.com/
This is my solution
function iterateObject(obj) {
var value = '', header = '';
for (name in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
if (isObject(obj[name])) {
var out = iterateObject(obj[name]);
value += out.value;
header += out.header;
} else {
value += removeNewLine(obj[name]) + '; ';
header += name + '; ';
return {
function isObject(obj) {
return (typeof obj === 'object');
function removeNewLine(item) {
return item.toString().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"");
you can try as
$(document).ready(function () {
// Create Object
var items = [
{ name: "Item 1", color: "Green", size: "X-Large" },
{ name: "Item 2", color: "Green", size: "X-Large" },
{ name: "Item 3", color: "Green", size: "X-Large" }];
// Convert Object to JSON
var jsonObject = JSON.stringify(items);
// Display JSON
// Convert JSON to CSV & Display CSV
and a function ConvertToCSV
// JSON to CSV Converter
function ConvertToCSV(objArray) {
var array = typeof objArray != 'object' ? JSON.parse(objArray) : objArray;
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var line = '';
for (var index in array[i]) {
if (line != '') line += ','
line += array[i][index];
str += line + '\r\n';
return str;
Here is my solution
function arrayToCSV(objArray) {
const array = typeof objArray !== 'object' ? JSON.parse(objArray) : objArray;
let str = `${Object.keys(array[0]).map(value => `"${value}"`).join(",")}` + '\r\n';
return array.reduce((str, next) => {
str += `${Object.values(next).map(value => `"${value}"`).join(",")}` + '\r\n';
return str;
}, str);
let arr = [{name: "Essa", age: 25}];
Similar to mightybruno's answer but this would allow separate access to the headers and content (by moving the join
statements to later in the function) if desired.
function objToCsv(data) {
const headers = Object.keys(data[0]).join();
const content = data.map(r => Object.values(r).join());
return [headers].concat(content).join("\n");