Having read Dr Rauschmayer\'s description of recursive tail call optimisation in es6, I\'ve since been trying to recreate the \'zero-stack\' execution of the recursive facto
The V8 (Chrome's JS engine) team is not implementing TCO, for the time being. It's ripped out of the most recent versions (see this thread).
Of the major browsers, only Safari has actually implemented the feature.
In Node.JS version 8 and later, TCO is not available.
There may be some hope of TCO being implemented: in a 2017 WebAssembly meeting, Google and all the other groups present were neutral or positive toward exploring TCO implementation further.
V8, the JavaScript engine in Chrome, had TCO support for a while, but as of this updated answer (November 2017) it no longer does and as of this writing, there is no active development on TCO in V8, and none is planned. You can read the details in the V8 tracking bug for it.
TCO support seems to have reached a decent level in V8 at one point, but remained behind a flag for several reasons (debugging issues, bugs). But then several things happened, not least that the V8 team raised significant issues with TCO and strongly supported a spec change called syntactic tail calls (STCs) that would require that tail calls be flagged in source code intentionally (e.g., return continue doThat();
). That proposal became inactive in July 2017, though. Also in July, with no TCO work being done, the V8 team removed the code for supporting TCO from the source for TurboFan* as it would otherwise be subject to bitrot. (E.g., become a maintenance pain and source of bugs.)
So at present (Nov 2017) it's not clear that "invisible" TCO will ever be in V8, whether some kind of STCs will come in, or what. The Chrome Platform Status page for this indicates "mixed" public signals from Mozilla (Firefox/SpiderMonkey) and Microsoft (Edge/Chakra) on supporting TCO, that Safari is shipping with TCO, and that web developers are "positive" about the feature. We'll see where we go from here. If anywhere.
* (TurboFan = the current cutting-edge JIT compiler in V8, now they've switched from Full-Codegen [JIT] + Crankshaft [aggressive optimizing JIT] to Ignition [interpreter+] and TurboFan [aggressive optimizing JIT])