I started as a C++ programmer, and Visual studio has worked splendedly for me. However, I recently have wanted to branch out to C# and Java. Visual studio supports C# and I
IntegraStudio enables syntax coloring, building, debugging and finding definition and references (F12 and ALT-F12) for Java projects in Visual Studio.
There is a visual studio plugin to support the java language: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/bc561769-36ff-4a40-9504-e266e8706f93
Using Visual Studio IDE for porting Java to C#:
Currently I am using Visual Studio IDE environment for porting codes from Java to C#. Why? Java has a huge libraries and C# enables the access to the UWP ecosystem.
For supporting editing and debugging as well as examining Java Bytecode (disassembly), you could try:
For supporting Android (Java/C++) development, you could try:
If you're proficient in C# and Visual Studio, you might try IKVM. It's not exactly what you were asking for, but will certainly help with bridging the gap by allowing you to call into Java libraries from C# and vise versa. You can use it in Visual Studio, but it also has first class support in MonoDevelop.
you can use visual studio for java http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/bc561769-36ff-4a40-9504-e266e8706f93
theoretically it could be done by defining a custom build step to the VS project. And you can make a file template to create a new java file, don't know if you could have it throw things in the right package or not, so you may end up writing quite a bit of the stuff a java ide would throw in already. it's not impossible, but from experience (I've used xcode on mac, vs in windows, eclipse, netbeans, code::blocks, and ended up compiling from command line for both java and c++ a lot) it's easier just to learn the new ide.
if you are insistent, i found this: http://improve.dk/compiling-java-in-visual-studio/
i plan on following and trying to modify it to create a general template for java
if possible (meaning if i understand enough of what im doing) im goint to implement a custom wizard for java projects and files.