I am currently using MongoDB with millions of data records. I discovered one thing that\'s pretty annoying.
When I use \'count()\' function with a small number of qu
You can ensure that the index is really used without any disk access.
Let's say you want to count records with name : "Andrei"
You ensure index on name (as you've done) and
db.users.find({name:"andrei"}, {_id:0, name:1}).count()
you can check that it is the fastest way to count (except with precomputing) by checking if
db.users.find({name:"andrei"}, {_id:0, name:1}).explain()
displays a index_only field set to true.
This trick will ensure that your query will retrieve records only from ram (index) and not from disk.
For me the solution was change index to sparse. It depend on specific situation, just give it a try if you can.
db.Account.createIndex( { "date_checked_1": 1 }, { sparse: true } )
"dateChecked" : { $exists : true }
318 thousands records in collection
There is now another optimization than create proper index.
If you need some counters i suggest to precalculate them whenever it possible. By using atomic $inc operation and not use count({})
at all.
But mongodb guys working hard on mongodb, so, count({})
improvements they are planning in mongodb 2.1 according to jira bug.
You are pretty much out of luck for now, count in mongodb is awful and won't be getting better in the near future. See: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-1752
From experience, you should pretty much never use it unless it's a one time thing, something that occurs very rarely, or your database is pretty small.
As @Andrew Orsich stated, use counters whenever possible (the downfall to counters is the global write lock, but better than count() regardless).