In postgresql 9.5, is there a way to rename an attribute in a jsonb field?
For example:
{ \"nme\" : \"test\" }
should be renamed t
I used the following for handling nested attributes and skipping any json that doesn't use the old name:
UPDATE table_name
SET json_field_name = jsonb_set(json_field_name #- '{path,to,old_name}',
WHERE json_field_name#>'{path,to}' ? 'old_name';
just for reference docs:
Delete the field or element with specified path (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end)
Get JSON object at the specified path
My variable type is json. When i changed it with jsonb, i cant do it, because it depends on to view. Anyway, i fixed it with column_name::jsonb. I wanted to share with people who meet like this problems. Also thanks @klin
use delete (-) and concatenate (||) operators, e.g.:
create table example(id int primary key, js jsonb);
insert into example values
(1, '{"nme": "test"}'),
(2, '{"nme": "second test"}');
update example
set js = js - 'nme' || jsonb_build_object('name', js->'nme')
where js ? 'nme'
returning *;
id | js
1 | {"name": "test"}
2 | {"name": "second test"}
(2 rows)