I have a foreach loop and I want to see if there is a next element in the loop so I can compare the current element with the next. How can I do this? I\'ve read about the cu
You could probably use while loop instead of foreach:
while ($current = current($array) )
$next = next($array);
if (false !== $next && $next == $current)
//do something with $current
You could get the keys of the array before the foreach, then use a counter to check the next element, something like:
//$arr is the array you wish to cycle through
$keys = array_keys($arr);
$num_keys = count($keys);
$i = 1;
foreach ($arr as $a)
if ($i < $num_keys && $arr[$keys[$i]] == $a)
// we have a match
This will work for both simple arrays, such as array(1,2,3)
, and keyed arrays such as array('first'=>1, 'second'=>2, 'thrid'=>3)
You could get the keys/values and index
$a = array(
$keys = array_keys($a);
foreach(array_keys($keys) as $index ){
$current_key = current($keys); // or $current_key = $keys[$index];
$current_value = $a[$current_key]; // or $current_value = $a[$keys[$index]];
$next_key = next($keys);
$next_value = $a[$next_key] ?? null; // for php version >= 7.0
echo "{$index}: current = ({$current_key} => {$current_value}); next = ({$next_key} => {$next_value})\n";
0: current = (key1 => value1); next = (key2 => value2)
1: current = (key2 => value2); next = (key3 => value3)
2: current = (key3 => value3); next = (key4 => value4)
3: current = (key4 => value4); next = (key5 => value5)
4: current = (key5 => value5); next = ( => )