I\'m trying to create a subform There is a type of data that has numerous fields
Set the name
attribute on the subform and then you can $scope.formName.$setPristine();
where formName
is what the name attribute is. An element is no longer pristine when the value has been changed.
The above answer was solely for 1.2, but in 1.3 angular introduced the concept of a "touched" input. Now when an element is blurred angular will mark the field as touched. Similar to $setPristine
, you can set the input back by using $scope.formName.$setUntouched()
touched vs pristine: touched means the field has been blurred while pristine means the field's value has been modified. Angular's docs note that "Setting a form controls back to their untouched state is often useful when setting the form back to its pristine state."
Here is a fiddle demo: https://jsfiddle.net/TheSharpieOne/a30kdtmo/
angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('myCtrl', myCtrl);
function myCtrl() {
var vm = this;
vm.reset = function() {
vm.email = vm.password = '';
.ng-invalid.ng-touched {
outline: 2px solid blue;
.ng-invalid.ng-dirty {
outline: 2px solid red;
.ng-invalid.ng-dirty.ng-untouched {
outline: 2px solid green;
form div {
padding: 5px 10px;
h4 {
margin-bottom: 0;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.5.0/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl as ctrl">
<form name="ctrl.myForm">
<label for="email">Email</label>
<input name="myInput" type="email" ng-model="ctrl.email" id="email" required>
<label for="password">Password</label>
<input name="myPassword" type="password" minlength="8" ng-model="ctrl.password" id="password" required>
<button ng-click="ctrl.reset()" type="button">Reset</button>
<h4>Form Level</h4>
<div>$dirty: {{ctrl.myForm.$dirty}}</div>
<div>$pristine: {{ctrl.myForm.$pristine}}</div>
<h4>Input Level</h4>
<h5>Email Input</h5>
<div>$dirty: {{ctrl.myForm.myInput.$dirty}}</div>
<div>$pristine: {{ctrl.myForm.myInput.$pristine}}</div>
<div>$touched: {{ctrl.myForm.myInput.$touched}}</div>
<h5>Password Input</h5>
<div>$dirty: {{ctrl.myForm.myPassword.$dirty}}</div>
<div>$pristine: {{ctrl.myForm.myPassword.$pristine}}</div>
<div>$touched: {{ctrl.myForm.myPassword.$touched}}</div>
<h3>Color outlines for input</h3>
<div title="The form loads this way, it can still be invalid since required fields are empty to start with">untouched, pristine: no outline</div>
<div title="Such as in the middle of typing a valid email for the first time">invalid, untouched, dirty: green outline</div>
<div title="blurred with invalid input">invalid, touched, dirty: red outline</div>
<div title="focued and blurred without typing">invalid, touched: blue outline</div>