I have the following code:
I was just reading this article, and it says:
Important: the order of the video files is vital; Chrome currently has a bug in which it will not autoplay a .webm video if it comes after anything else.
So it looks like your problem would be solved if you put the .webm first in your list of sources. Hope that helps.
You need to add playsinline autoplay muted loop
, chrome do not allow a video to autostart if it is not muted, also right now I dont know why it is not working in all android devices, im trying to look if it's a version specific, If I found something I'll let you know
Chrome issue: After some research i have found that it doesnt work on chrome sometimes because in responsive you can activate the data saver, and it blocks any video to autostart
Extremeandy has mentioned as of Chrome 66 autoplay video has been disabled.
After looking into this I found that muted videos are still able to be autoplayed. In my case the video didn't have any audio, but adding muted to the video tag has fixed it:
Hopefully this will help others also.