I need to remove all characters from any string before the occurrence of this inside the string:
Not sure how I can do this.<
I use this functions
function strright($str, $separator) {
if (intval($separator)) {
return substr($str, -$separator);
} elseif ($separator === 0) {
return $str;
} else {
$strpos = strpos($str, $separator);
if ($strpos === false) {
return $str;
} else {
return substr($str, -$strpos + 1);
function strleft($str, $separator) {
if (intval($separator)) {
return substr($str, 0, $separator);
} elseif ($separator === 0) {
return $str;
} else {
$strpos = strpos($str, $separator);
if ($strpos === false) {
return $str;
} else {
return substr($str, 0, $strpos);
You can use strstr to do this.
echo strstr($str, 'www/audio');
$string="We have www/audio path where the audio files are stored"; //Considering the string like this
Either you can use
strstr($string, 'www/audio');
You can use substring and strpos to accomplish this goal.
You could also use a regular expression to pattern match only what you want. Your mileage may vary on which of these approaches makes more sense.