I\'m developing a Facebook application using their Graph API. I have previously developed an app using the deprecated REST API.
I\'ve come across a problem in that
Use the php sdk:
require 'facebook.php';
$facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => 'APPID', 'secret' => 'APPSECRET',
'cookie' => true, ));
Then ask for a signed request:
$signed_request = $facebook->getSignedRequest(); $country = $signed_request["user"]["country"];
Now $country has a string such as "us" for United States and "uk" for United Kingdom etc.
use the official Facebook Graph API /me?fields=hometown it will return you e.g. "Prague, Czech Republic"
I believe you can explode the string by needle ',' and the last element should be the country
According to Facebook's documentation, you can get the 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code from the user's locale
Facebook locales follow ISO language and country codes respectively, concatenated by an underscore. The basic format is ''ll_CC'', where ''ll'' is a two-letter language code, and ''CC'' is a two-letter country code. For instance, 'en_US' represents US English.
Example FQL:
SELECT locale FROM user WHERE uid = me()
"data": [
"locale": "en_US"
One solution I have found, which is merely a workaround, is to use the GeoNames API - http://www.geonames.org/export/web-services.html
Using something like:
Returns results in an xml object, with the country as part of the data.
I'm not particularly happy with this as a solution however, as it adds an unnecessary layer of complications on to my application - plus requests to this free services are limited to 2000 per hour and 30,000 per day.
for iframe apps, then ip is not hidden by FB servers, meaning you can do ip address lookup
the script was a bit buggy for me but did the job.
"current_location": {
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "California",
"country": "United States",
"zip": "",
"latitude": 37.4441,
"longitude": -122.163,
"id": 104022926303756,
"name": "Palo Alto, California"
FQL Documentation