I am trying to open .docx file and convert to PDF using Interop.Word.Application. It works as console application but If I use the same in my web application it doesn\'t wor
This worked for me. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/0f5448a7-72ed-4f16-8b87-922b71892e07/word-2007-documentsopen-returns-null-in-aspnet.
If this helpe you, please make it answer
I did the following steps and it worked all right:
Edit on 2019-09-29. Due to a big windows update I had to do the exact progress all over again.
If you are still looking for the answer I have found it just a moment ago for my project.
Open DCOM Config Settings:
Microsoft Word 97-2003 Documents
-> PropertiesTab Identity
, change from Launching User
to Interactive User
It is most likely that you have a different word dll on your web server, perhaps an older one. I suggest that you reference a specific dll and copy it to the web server, so you can be sure that you are using the same word dll that you tested your code with and you know it works. There might be some problems when using interop, however, word interop is the only one which you can be sure will convert word files most correctly.
To solve this I had to do both things:
Create the directories:
C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft \Windows\INetCache
Enable DCOM setting as @gianni-b says.
If you're struggling to find the DCOM entry because of a different language, you can do this:
Right click > New > String value
Interactive User
You can do the same for Excel on AppID {00020812-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
As Paulie stated in his comment on OP, I think the issue is largely because of the libraries on the webserver. YOu might be able to hack to get this working on a web app, but I'd advise against it.
EDIT: Argh, I misread the post and just assumed Excel. That's what most people look for when using Office.Interop in my experience ;)
There is an open library that works with DocX formats (enter link description here). Unfortunately he admits on the page that conversions to formats like PDF is pretty much impossible without the Office.Interop libraries (http://cathalscorner.blogspot.com/2009/10/converting-docx-into-doc-pdf-html.html)
Here is a 'promising' alternative, but YMMV.