I want to inject an ApplicationContext
itself to a bean.
Something like
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContect context) {
Yes, just implement the ApplicationContextAware -interface.
I saw some comments above about @Autowired not working still. The following may help.
This will not work:
@Route(value = "content", layout = MainView.class)
public class MyLayout extends VerticalLayout implements RouterLayout {
@Autowired private ApplicationContext context;
public MyLayout() {
comps.add(context.getBean(MyComponentA.class)); // context always null :(
You must do this:
public MyLayout(ApplicationContext context) {
comps.add(context.getBean(MyComponentA.class)); //context is set :)
or this:
private void init() {
comps.add(context.getBean(MyComponentA.class)); // context is set :)
Also note that Upload is another component that must be set within the scope of @PostConstruct. This was a nightmare for me to figure out. Hope this helps!
I almost forgot to mention that the @Scope annotation may be necessary for your Bean, as seen below. This was the case when using Upload within a Bean because the UI is not instantiate/attached prior to the Bean being created and will cause a Null Reference Exception to be thrown. It won't do so when using @Route, but will when using @Component - so the latter is not an option and if @Route is not viable, then I would recommend using @Configuration class to create the bean with the prototype scope.
public class MyConfig {
@Scope(value = ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public MyComponentA getMyBean() {
return new MyComponentA();
Previous comments are ok, but I usually prefer:
@Autowired private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
Easy, using the ApplicationContextAware
public class A implements ApplicationContextAware {
private ApplicationContext context;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) {
this.context = context;
Then in your actual applicationContext you only need to reference your bean.
<bean id="a" class="com.company.A" />