I am facing issues while consuming JAX-RS services as JSON.
Below I have added my code.
This is my service class:
//Sets the path to base URL
Uncommenting the below code helped
which was present in pom.xml in my maven based project resolved this error for me.
Below should be in your pom.xml above other jersy/jackson dependencies. In my case it as below jersy-client dep-cy and i got MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json.
In my experience this error is pretty common, for some reason jersey sometimes has problems parsing custom java types. Usually all you have to do is make sure that you respect the following 3 conditions:
However, I have ran into cases where this just was not enough. Then you can always wrap you custom data type in a GenericEntity and pass it as such to your ResponseBuilder:
GenericEntity<CustomDataType> entity = new GenericEntity<CustomDataType>(myObj) {};
return Response.status(httpCode).entity(entity).build();
This way you are trying to help jersey to find the proper/relevant serialization provider for you object. Well, sometimes this also is not enough. In my case I was trying to produce a text/plain from a custom data type. Theoretically jersey should have used the StringMessageProvider, but for some reason that I did not manage to discover it was giving me this error:
org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException: MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=text/plain
So what solved the problem for me was to do my own serialization with jackson's writeValueAsString(). I'm not proud of it but at the end of the day I can deliver an acceptable solution.
I think may be you should try to convert the data to json format. It can be done by using gson lib. Try something like below.
I don't know it is a best solutions or not but you could do it this way.It worked for me
example : `
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response info(@HeaderParam("Accept") String accept) {
Info information = new Info();
information.setInfo("Calc Application Info");
if (!accept.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) {
return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED).entity(information).build();
} else {
Gson jsonConverter = new GsonBuilder().create();
return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED).entity(jsonConverter.toJson(information)).build();
I was able to fix it by install jersey-media-json-jackson
Add the dependency to pom.xml
To overcome this issue try the following. Worked for me.
Add following dependency in the pom.xml
And make sure Model class contains no arg constructor
public Student()