I was making some tests on an old topic when I noticed some strange behaviours. Reading Kafka\'s log I noticed this \"removed 8 expired offsets\" message:
Check my answer here. You should not forget about file rolling. It impacts offset files removal.
Kafka, by default deletes committed offsets after a configurable period of time. See parameter offsets.retention.minutes
. Ie, if a consumer group is inactive (ie, does not commit any offsets) for this amount of time, the offsets get deleted. Thus, even if the consumer is running, if it does not commit offsets for some partitions, those offsets are subject to offset.retention.minutes
If you start a consumer, the following happens:
parameterThus, if your offsets got deleted and auto.offset.reset = latest
, you consumer will not poll anything until new data is added to the topic. If auto.offset.reset = earliest
it should consume the whole topic.
See this JIRA for a discussion about this https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3806 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4682