We are trying to preload images into cache memory to load them later (the images are located in the Asset folder of the application)
<Glide version 4.6.1
RequestOptions requestOptions = RequestOptions
The best option is to handle caching yourself, it gives you more control & should be easy as you already know what bitmaps are to be loaded.
LruCache<String, Bitmap> memCache = new LruCache<>(size) {
protected int sizeOf(String key, Bitmap image) {
return image.getByteCount()/1024;
Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
Point size = new Point();
int width = size.x; //width of screen in pixels
int height = size.y;//height of screen in pixels
.fitCenter() //fits given dimensions maintaining ratio
.into(new SimpleTarget(width,height) {
// the constructor SimpleTarget() without (width, height) can also be used.
// as suggested by, An-droid in the comments
public void onResourceReady(Bitmap resource, GlideAnimation glideAnimation) {
memCache.put("imagefile", resource);
Bitmap image = memCache.get("imagefile");
if (image != null) {
//Bitmap exists in cache.
} else {
//Bitmap not found in cache reload it
//i can give you a solution
* 1.reflect some objects inside Glide
fun prepareGlideObjects() {
if (!enableFunctions || atomicPrepare.getAndSet(true)) {
var t = LogTime.getLogTime()
glide = Glide.get(BasicConfig.getInstance().appContext)
if (diskCache == null) {
val engine = getObject(glide, "engine")
val diskCacheProvider = getObject(engine, "diskCacheProvider")
val method = diskCacheProvider!!::class.java.getDeclaredMethod("getDiskCache")
method.isAccessible = true
diskCache = method.invoke(diskCacheProvider) as DiskCache
if (arrayPool == null) {
arrayPool = getObject(glide, "arrayPool") as ArrayPool
if (decoder == null) {
val registry = getObject(glide, "registry") as Registry
val decoderRegistry = getObject(registry, "decoderRegistry") as ResourceDecoderRegistry
val map = getObject(decoderRegistry, "decoders") as HashMap<*, *>
val list = map["Bitmap"] as List<*>
val o = list[0]
decoder = getObject(o, "decoder") as ByteBufferBitmapDecoder
Log.debug(TAG, "prepareGlideObjects:" + LogTime.getElapsedMillis(t))
try {
t = LogTime.getLogTime()
//首次打开diskCache 耗时较大,此处是提前打开文件索引
val url = GlideUrl("http://xx.cdn.yy.com/fake_pic.jpg")
val dataCacheKey = DataCacheKey(url, EmptySignature.obtain())
Log.debug(TAG, "_load_fake_pic:" + LogTime.getElapsedMillis(t))
} catch (e: Throwable) {
Log.error(TAG, "cold load failed:$e")
*2.load bitmap-file from diskCache
fun loadBitmap(url: String) {
val gUrl = GlideUrl(url:String)
val dataCacheKey = DataCacheKey(gUrl, EmptySignature.obtain())
val file = diskCache?.get(dataCacheKey)
//3.decode bitmap from file
private fun extractBitmapFromFile(url: String, file: File) {
try {
val dimen = getDimensionFromUrl(url)
val result = decoder?.decode(ByteBufferUtil.fromFile(file), dimen[0], dimen[1],
Options()) as BitmapResource?
//simple bitmap cache
bitmapMap[url] = result.get()
Log.debug(TAG, "allocationByteCount:" +
bitmapMap[url]!!.allocationByteCount / 1024.0)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
Log.error(TAG, "init result failed:$e")
//4.decode file from http-stream
private fun decodeHttpStream() {
val uri = GlideUrl(call?.request()?.url().toString())
val contentLength = Preconditions.checkNotNull(responseBody).contentLength()
val stream = ContentLengthInputStream.obtain(responseBody.byteStream(),
if (arrayPool == null) {
//re prepare
arrayPool = glide?.arrayPool
val encoder = StreamEncoder(arrayPool)
val writer = DataCacheWriter(encoder, stream, Options())
val originalKey = DataCacheKey(uri, EmptySignature.obtain())
diskCache?.put(originalKey, writer)
val file = diskCache?.get(uri)
//5.after these jobs done, load a bitmap from diskCache,it takes just 10ms。
As the function is deprecated to cache on Disk:downloadOnly
.load("Image URL")
.downloadOnly(500, 500)
We can now use:
.load("Image URL")
.submit(500, 500)
Use the following code to cache images without displaying them
using the downloadOnly
method if you are looking to download images from the web and store them in the diskCache:
FutureTarget<File> future = Glide.with(applicationContext)
.downloadOnly(500, 500);
using preload
method if you want to load them into the Memory Cache.
.preload(500, 500);
You can later use the cached images using