I\'m trying to convert an image with imagemagick, but I\'m getting this error:
convert: no decode delegate for this image format `//i.imgur.com/nTheJ.
redhat4.8, If you install from source, may be can try:
yum remove libjpeg
wget http://www.imagemagick.org/download/delegates/jpegsrc.v9a.tar.gz
sudo tar xvf jpegsrc.v9a.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src/
cd /usr/local/src/jpeg-9a
./configure --enable-shared
sudo make install
than turn in ImageMagick
cd ImageMagick-6.9.6-4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib
I had this error when rendering an image using DragonFly in Rails. This happened after I upgraded to Lion (ImageMagick was installed using Brew).
I reinstalled ImageMagick, jpeg, libtiff and jasper (reinstalling ImageMagick wasn't enough by itself).
brew uninstall imagemagick jpeg libtiff jasper
brew install imagemagick
Prior to that, running
identify -list format
and jpeg wasn't in the list. After reinstalling the above packages jpeg appeared in the list.
In my case, the solution was a matter of ending the command with *.{jpg,png}
rather than *
I believe the *
was picking up / trying to convert hidden files.
from Phillip Ingram somewhere on the interwebs:
in gentoo use
sudo EXTRA_ECONF="--with-png --with-jpeg" emerge imagemagick"
This is slightly different than Jonathan Horseman's answer since it wasn't an error but rather a need to specify more during the installation.
But the identify command was very useful.
Hope this helps someone (and perhaps me in the future ;).
for me:
brew reinstall imagemagick --with-libtiff
saved the day when dealing with a similar problem, but for tiff files.
UPDATE: one year later and this remains the only way I can get tiff working properly in convert on MacOS X.
I faced the same problem recently. After Googling for couple of hours, I found out that reason was a CONFLICT between php extentions Gmagick & Imagick. Commenting gmagick.so in php.ini fixed the problem. Hope this will save someone time :)