I\'m working in rails 3.2 and I receive an error when I try to push to heroku:
git push heroku master
Counting objects: 496, done.
Delta compression using u
I was facing the same problem.
[remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to ""
Cause of Error :
I was in develop branch and trying to push
to remote master
Checkout to develop branch(another branch) and execute :
git push heroku develop
I have just run the heroku logs command and checked the git status then retried the git push hreoku master and it worked
I also faced the same issue The solution for this is
Delete the package-lock.json file on both the client and server
Make sure that you are using at least the LTS version of Node locally
Make sure your local Node version matches what is shown in the package.json file's engines property.
Run the git add . , git commit -m "fixing versions" and git push heroku master commands to force a rebuild.
In Heroku, you may have problems with pushing to the master branch. What you can do is to start a new branch using
git checkout -b tempbranch
and then push using
git push heroku tempbranch
Mine finally worked somewhere along this road:
You might also want to check for Heroku telling you there's a typo in your CSS file.
Read through the long boring messages in the terminal closely after you push. There may be something like this: Invalid CSS after
. It means Heroku has found a typo and you need to fix it in the CSS file.
You can do a find for rake aborted!
and directly after that it should say why the push failed.