Difference between “visibility:collapse” and “display:none”

前端 未结 5 1634
醉酒成梦 2020-11-30 01:43

What is the difference between visibility:collapse and display:none?

  • 2020-11-30 01:55

    Short version:

    The former is used to completely hide table elements. The latter is used to completely hide everything else.

    Long version:

    visibility: collapse hides an element entirely (so that it doesn't occupy any space in the layout), but only when the element is a table element.

    If used on elements other than table elements, visibility: collapse will act like visibility: hidden. This makes an element invisible, but it will still occupy space in the layout.

    display: none hides an element entirely, so it doesn't occupy any space in the layout, but it shouldn't be used on table elements.

    W3C Reference

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  • 2020-11-30 02:05

    visibility:collapse has a display:none behavior only for table elements. On other elements, it should render as hidden.

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  • 2020-11-30 02:06

    visibility:collapse should only be used on tables. On other elements it will act as a visibility:hidden.

    visibility:hidden hide the element but still take the space of the element whereas display:none won't even keep the space.

    Resources :

    • w3schools.com - visibility
    • w3schools.com - display

    On the same topic :

    • What is the difference between visibility:hidden and display:none
    • CSS Properties: Display vs. Visibility
    • CSS display:none and visibility:hidden
    • Does opacity:0 have exactly the same effect as visibility:hidden
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  • 2020-11-30 02:10

    You can also apply visibility: collapse on an element under a flexbox container (a flex item). It will act as you're applying it on an element with display: table-row or display: table-column

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  • 2020-11-30 02:17

    visibility: collapse behaves exactly like visibility: hidden in most formatting contexts: the space required by the element is 'reserved' in the layout, but the element itself is not rendered, leaving a blank space where it would have been.

    There are three exceptions that I know of: table-rows, table-columns and flex items, in which visibility: collapse behaves like display: none, but with one major difference: the 'strut'. You can think of the strut as a zero-sized placeholder, that doesn't claim any space of its own in the layout process, but is nevertheless still part of the formatting structure and participates in some size computations.

    A collapsed table-row, for example, will not occupy any vertical space in the table, but the table columns will still be dimensioned 'as-if' the collapsed row and its contents were actually visible. This is to prevent columns from 'wobbling' as rows are toggled in and out. Likewise, a collapsed flex item doesn't occupy any space along the main axis, but still contributes to the flex line cross-size.

    'Do not use display: none with tables' is a valuable rule of thumb, but it doesn't tell the whole story.

    • Use display: none if you don't want your hidden elements to participate in any way in the table (or flex line) layout process.
    • Use visibility: collapse if you want to dynamically show and hide elements without destabilizing the table (or flex line) layout.

    Here is a code snippet demonstrating the difference between display: none and visibility: collapse for a table row:

    .show-right-border {
      border-right: 1px black solid;
    <h3>visibility: collapse</h3>
    <table class="show-right-border">
        <td>Short text.</td>
        <td style="visibility: collapse;">Loooooooooong text.</td>
    <h3>display: none</h3>
    <table class="show-right-border">
        <td>Short text.</td>
        <td style="display: none;">Loooooooooong text.</td>

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