From Symfony 2.3 Security docs:
If access is denied, the system will try to authenticate the user if not already (e.g. redirect the user to th
I think a kernel.exception listener and setting a flash message can do it. Untested example:
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseForExceptionEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException;
class My403ExceptionListener
protected $session;
public function __construct(SessionInterface $session)
$this->session = $session;
public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
$exception = $event->getException();
if ($exception instanceof AccessDeniedHttpException) {
$this->session->getFlashBag()->set('warning', 'You must login to access that page.');
Don't really know if it works or if it's the right thing. You can register it as kernel.event_listener
. Or maybe it's better you wright a dedicated service and set it as the parameter of access_denied_handler
in the firewall config. I think there a many possible ways.
So after quite a bit of research, I found the right way to do this. You'll need to use an Entry Point service and define it in your firewall configuration.
This method will not mess with your default page settings specified in your firewall config for logging in.
entry_point: entry_point.user_login #or whatever you name your service
pattern: ^/
# ...
class: Acme\UserBundle\Service\LoginEntryPoint
arguments: [ @router ] #I am going to use this for URL generation since I will be redirecting in my service
namespace Acme\UserBundle\Service;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\EntryPoint\AuthenticationEntryPointInterface,
* When the user is not authenticated at all (i.e. when the security context has no token yet),
* the firewall's entry point will be called to start() the authentication process.
class LoginEntryPoint implements AuthenticationEntryPointInterface
protected $router;
public function __construct($router)
$this->router = $router;
* This method receives the current Request object and the exception by which the exception
* listener was triggered.
* The method should return a Response object
public function start(Request $request, AuthenticationException $authException = null)
$session = $request->getSession();
// I am choosing to set a FlashBag message with my own custom message.
// Alternatively, you could use AuthenticationException's generic message
// by calling $authException->getMessage()
$session->getFlashBag()->add('warning', 'You must be logged in to access that page');
return new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('login'));
{# bootstrap ready for your convenience ;] #}
{% if app.session.flashbag.has('warning') %}
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('warning') %}
<div class="alert alert-warning">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
{{ flashMessage }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Could you not just have two login routes?
For example, in security config set
login_path: /login_message
In your login controller
* @Template()
* @Route("/notauthorized", name="login_message")
public function loginMessageAction()
return [];
And then in your loginMessage.html.twg
<a href="{{ path('login') }}">You must login to access this page.</a>