Sometimes I need to download data from the internet. On occasions this has failed either because the website is down or because my computer has lost its internet connection.
This is a version of eyjo's answer which sacrifices accuracy for speed.
IPavailable <- function() {
cmd <- switch(.Platform$OS.type, "windows" = "ipconfig", "ifconfig")
any(grep("(\\d+(\\.|$)){4}", system(cmd, intern = TRUE)))
Just another one to add to the pot, inspired by @romans answer, this works only on Windows I'd assume, not sure about other platforms:
canPingSite <- function( {
Which we test as follows:
> t1 <- canPingSite("")
> t2 <- canPingSite(";lkjsdflakjdlfhasdfhsad;fs;adjfsdlk")
> t1; t2
[1] TRUE
All these answers use packages or code outside of base R. Here's how to do it with just base R:
# IANA's test website
is_online <- function(site="") {
warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"),
error = function(e) FALSE)