I\'m having problems with a batch insertion of objects into a database using symfony 1.4 and doctrine 1.2.
My model has a certain kind of object called \"Sector\", e
For a symfony task, I also faced to this issue and done following things. It worked for me.
Disable debug mode. Add following before db connection initialize
sfConfig::set('sf_debug', false);
Set auto query object free attribute for db connection
$connection->setAttribute(Doctrine_Core::ATTR_AUTO_FREE_QUERY_OBJECTS, true );
Free all object after use
Unset all arrays after use unset($array_name)
(This is a good practice for any time of query using.) That's all. Hope it may help someone.
For me , I've just initialized the task like that:
// initialize the database connection
$databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration);
$connection = $databaseManager->getDatabase($options['connection'])->getConnection();
$config = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'prod', true);
and use free() after a save() on doctrine's object
the memory is stable at 25Mo
with php 5.3 on debian squeeze
Periodically close and re-open the connection - not sure why but it seems PDO is retaining references.