Update this solution describes how to effectively use the new Npm system in Meteor.
What is the current method of using NPM packages i
I have been using the fantastic "browserify", which works like a charm. This is an alternative to using Arunda's NPM Atmosphere package, or using Npm.require with package.js, that arguably has some advantages:
Here's how it works:
Here's my directory structure:
Here's an example of entrypoint.js (unfortunately I have to use globals so that assert, url, and _ are available in Meteor code)
assert = require('assert');
url = require("url");
_ = require('underscore');
Here's the gruntfile:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
watch: {
build: {
files: ['./entrypoint.js', './package.json'],
tasks: ['browserify2'],
options: {
browserify2: {
compile: {
entry: './entrypoint.js',
compile: '../lib/bundle.js'
grunt.registerTask('build', ['browserify2']);
I then use grunt watch to watch for changes to entry.js or new NPM installs
$ cd .npm
$ grunt watch:build &
[2] 44617
$ Running "watch:build" (watch) task
And then if I install an npm module, or modify entrypoint.js, bundle.js is updated:
$ npm install url -save
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/punycode
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/querystring
npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/punycode
npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/querystring
url@0.7.9 node_modules/url
├── querystring@0.1.0
└── punycode@1.0.0
$ OK
>> File "package.json" changed.
Running "browserify2:compile" (browserify2) task
File written to: ../lib/bundle.js
Done, without errors.
Completed in 1.256s at Thu Jul 11 2013 11:36:22 GMT-0600 (MDT) - Waiting...
as you are using meteorite, when you install a node module to .meteor/local/build/server/
you actually install to
when you use mrt bundle
to create your deployment bundle, the additional packages get bundled as well.
I have not tried it on Heroku but I checked that the node module gets packaged when using mrt bundle.
Arunoda has created an NPM Atmosphere package that allows you to use any NPM module like you're used to. It's very simple.
First, mrt add npm
You can also install the package by using meteor-npm
command from npm install -g meteor-npm
Next, make a packages.json
file in your root project directory, with the package names and versions:
"foobar": "0.3.5",
"loremipsum": "2.1.4"
Finally, use them with Meteor.require
, like this: var FooBar = Meteor.require('foobar');
The current way of using NPMs in Meteor
x.js --------
X = Npm.require('x');
package.js --------
summary: "Meteor smart package for x node.js package"
"x": "0.1.1"
Package.on_use(function (api) {
api.add_files("x.js", ["client", "server"]);
Note: some packages will only work on client or server, if you are having issues, try only include the side you are going to use it on.
You can use https://atmospherejs.com/meteorhacks/npm
meteor add meteorhacks:npm
And then you can setup your package.json file:
"redis": "0.8.2",
"github": "0.1.8"
And use these packages:
var GithubApi = Meteor.npmRequire('github');