How to use regular expression in lxml xpath?

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-11-30 00:47

I\'m using construction like this:

doc = parse(url).getroot()
links = doc.xpath(\"//a[text()=\'some text\']\")

But I need to select all lin

  • 2020-11-30 01:12

    Because I can't stand lxml's approach to namespaces, I wrote a little method that you cam bind to the HtmlElement class.

    Just import HtmlElement:

    from lxml.etree import HtmlElement

    Then put this in your file:

    # Patch the HtmlElement class to add a function that can handle regular
    # expressions within XPath queries.
    def re_xpath(self, path):
        return self.xpath(path, namespaces={
            're': ''})
    HtmlElement.re_xpath = re_xpath

    And then when you want to make a regular expression query, just do:

    my_node.re_xpath("//a[re:match(text(), 'some text')]")

    And you're off to the races. With a little more work, you could probably modify this to replace the xpath method itself, but I haven't bothered since this is working well enough.

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  • 2020-11-30 01:25

    You can do this (although you don't need regular expressions for the example). Lxml supports regular expressions from the EXSLT extension functions. (see the lxml docs for the XPath class, but it also works for the xpath() method)

    doc.xpath("//a[re:match(text(), 'some text')]", 
            namespaces={"re": ""})

    Note that you need to give the namespace mapping, so that it knows what the "re" prefix in the xpath expression stands for.

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  • 2020-11-30 01:37

    You can use the starts-with() function:

    doc.xpath("//a[starts-with(text(),'some text')]")
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