I have always wanted to do this but every time I start thinking about the problem it blows my mind because of its exponential nature.
The problem solver I want to be
Input is obviously a set of digits and operators: D={1,3,3,6,7,8,3} and Op={+,-,*,/}. The most straight forward algorithm would be a brute force solver, which enumerates all possible combinations of these sets. Where the elements of set Op can be used as often as wanted, but elements from set D are used exactly once. Pseudo code:
for each permutation D_ of D:
for each binary tree T with D_ as its leafs:
for each sequence of operators Op_ from Op with length |D_|-1:
label each inner tree node with operators from Op_
result = compute T using infix traversal
if result==Solution
return T
return nil
Other than that: read jedrus07's and HPM's answers.
Given that Rachel Reiley does these in her head on camera (and Carole Vordeman did in shows gone-by), I'm thinking there's a non-brute-force solution lurking out there somewhere.
Sure it's exponential but it's tiny so a good (enough) naive implementation would be a good start. I suggest you drop the usual infix notation with bracketing, and use postfix, it's easier to program. You can always prettify the outputs as a separate stage.
Start by listing and evaluating all the (valid) sequences of numbers and operators. For example (in postfix):
1 3 7 6 8 3 + + + + + -> 28
1 3 7 6 8 3 + + + + - -> 26
My Java is laughable, I don't come here to be laughed at so I'll leave coding this up to you.
To all the smart people reading this: yes, I know that for even a small problem like this there are smarter approaches which are likely to be faster, I'm just pointing OP towards an initial working solution. Someone else can write the answer with the smarter solution(s).
So, to answer your questions:
I've written my own countdown solver, in Python.
Here's the code; it is also available on GitHub:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from itertools import combinations, product, zip_longest
from functools import lru_cache
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6)
class Solutions:
def __init__(self, numbers):
self.all_numbers = numbers
self.size = len(numbers)
self.all_groups = self.unique_groups()
def unique_groups(self):
all_groups = {}
all_numbers, size = self.all_numbers, self.size
for m in range(1, size+1):
for numbers in combinations(all_numbers, m):
if numbers in all_groups:
all_groups[numbers] = Group(numbers, all_groups)
return all_groups
def walk(self):
for group in self.all_groups.values():
yield from group.calculations
class Group:
def __init__(self, numbers, all_groups):
self.numbers = numbers
self.size = len(numbers)
self.partitions = list(self.partition_into_unique_pairs(all_groups))
self.calculations = list(self.perform_calculations())
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.numbers)
def partition_into_unique_pairs(self, all_groups):
# The pairs are unordered: a pair (a, b) is equivalent to (b, a).
# Therefore, for pairs of equal length only half of all combinations
# need to be generated to obtain all pairs; this is set by the limit.
if self.size == 1:
numbers, size = self.numbers, self.size
limits = (self.halfbinom(size, size//2), )
unique_numbers = set()
for m, limit in zip_longest(range((size+1)//2, size), limits):
for numbers1, numbers2 in self.paired_combinations(numbers, m, limit):
if numbers1 in unique_numbers:
group1, group2 = all_groups[numbers1], all_groups[numbers2]
yield (group1, group2)
def perform_calculations(self):
if self.size == 1:
yield Calculation.singleton(self.numbers[0])
for group1, group2 in self.partitions:
for calc1, calc2 in product(group1.calculations, group2.calculations):
yield from Calculation.generate(calc1, calc2)
def paired_combinations(cls, numbers, m, limit):
for cnt, numbers1 in enumerate(combinations(numbers, m), 1):
numbers2 = tuple(cls.filtering(numbers, numbers1))
yield (numbers1, numbers2)
if cnt == limit:
def filtering(iterable, elements):
# filter elements out of an iterable, return the remaining elements
elems = iter(elements)
k = next(elems, None)
for n in iterable:
if n == k:
k = next(elems, None)
yield n
def halfbinom(n, k):
if n % 2 == 1:
return None
prod = 1
for m, l in zip(reversed(range(n+1-k, n+1)), range(1, k+1)):
prod = (prod*m)//l
return prod//2
class Calculation:
def __init__(self, expression, result, is_singleton=False):
self.expr = expression
self.result = result
self.is_singleton = is_singleton
def __repr__(self):
return self.expr
def singleton(cls, n):
return cls(f"{n}", n, is_singleton=True)
def generate(cls, calca, calcb):
if calca.result < calcb.result:
calca, calcb = calcb, calca
for result, op in cls.operations(calca.result, calcb.result):
expr1 = f"{calca.expr}" if calca.is_singleton else f"({calca.expr})"
expr2 = f"{calcb.expr}" if calcb.is_singleton else f"({calcb.expr})"
yield cls(f"{expr1} {op} {expr2}", result)
def operations(x, y):
yield (x + y, '+')
if x > y: # exclude non-positive results
yield (x - y, '-')
if y > 1 and x > 1: # exclude trivial results
yield (x * y, 'x')
if y > 1 and x % y == 0: # exclude trivial and non-integer results
yield (x // y, '/')
def countdown_solver():
# input: target and numbers. If you want to play with more or less than
# 6 numbers, use the second version of 'unsorted_numbers'.
target = int(sys.argv[1])
unsorted_numbers = (int(sys.argv[n+2]) for n in range(6)) # for 6 numbers
# unsorted_numbers = (int(n) for n in sys.argv[2:]) # for any numbers
numbers = tuple(sorted(unsorted_numbers, reverse=True))
except (IndexError, ValueError):
print("You must provide a target and numbers!")
solutions = Solutions(numbers)
smallest_difference = target
bestresults = []
for calculation in solutions.walk():
diff = abs(calculation.result - target)
if diff <= smallest_difference:
if diff < smallest_difference:
bestresults = [calculation]
smallest_difference = diff
output(target, smallest_difference, bestresults)
def output(target, diff, results):
print(f"\nThe closest results differ from {target} by {diff}. They are:\n")
for calculation in results:
print(f"{calculation.result} = {calculation.expr}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The algorithm works as follows:
The numbers are put into a tuple of length 6 in descending order. Then, all unique subgroups of lengths 1 to 6 are created, the smallest groups first.
Example: (75, 50, 5, 9, 1, 1) -> {(75), (50), (9), (5), (1), (75, 50), (75, 9), (75, 5), ..., (75, 50, 9, 5, 1, 1)}.
Next, the groups are organised into a hierarchical tree: every group is partitioned into all unique unordered pairs of its non-empty subgroups.
Example: (9, 5, 1, 1) -> [(9, 5, 1) + (1), (9, 1, 1) + (5), (5, 1, 1) + (9), (9, 5) + (1, 1), (9, 1) + (5, 1)].
Within each group of numbers, the calculations are performed and the results are stored. For groups of length 1, the result is simply the number itself. For larger groups, the calculations are carried out on every pair of subgroups: in each pair, all results of the first subgroup are combined with all results of the second subgroup using +, -, x and /, and the valid outcomes are stored.
Example: (75, 5) consists of the pair ((75), (5)). The result of (75) is 75; the result of (5) is 5; the results of (75, 5) are [75+5=80, 75-5=70, 75*5=375, 75/5=15].
In this manner, all results are generated, from the smallest groups to the largest. Finally, the algorithm iterates through all results and selects the ones that are the closest match to the target number.
For a group of m numbers, the maximum number of arithmetic computations is
comps[m] = 4*sum(binom(m, k)*comps[k]*comps[m-k]//(1 + (2*k)//m) for k in range(1, m//2+1))
For all groups of length 1 to 6, the maximum total number of computations is then
total = sum(binom(n, m)*comps[m] for m in range(1, n+1))
which is 1144386. In practice, it will be much less, because the algorithm reuses the results of duplicate groups, ignores trivial operations (adding 0, multiplying by 1, etc), and because the rules of the game dictate that intermediate results must be positive integers (which limits the use of the division operator).