I would like to make use of request scoped beans in my app. I use JUnit4 for testing. If I try to create one in a test like this:
Test Request-Scoped Beans with Spring explains very well how to register and create a custom scope with Spring.
In a nutshell, as Ido Cohn explained, it's enough to add the following to the text context configuration:
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer">
<property name="scopes">
<entry key="request">
<bean class="org.springframework.context.support.SimpleThreadScope"/>
Instead of using the predefined SimpleThreadScope, based on ThreadLocal, it's also easy to implement a Custom one, as explained in the article.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope;
public class CustomScope implements Scope {
private final Map<String , Object> beanMap = new HashMap<String , Object>();
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> factory) {
Object bean = beanMap.get(name);
if (null == bean) {
bean = factory.getObject();
beanMap.put(name, bean);
return bean;
public String getConversationId() {
// not needed
return null;
public void registerDestructionCallback(String arg0, Runnable arg1) {
// not needed
public Object remove(String obj) {
return beanMap.remove(obj);
public Object resolveContextualObject(String arg0) {
// not needed
return null;
MariuszS' solution works, except I couldn't get the transaction committed properly.
It seems the newly released 3.2 has finally made testing request/session scoped beans first class citizens. Here's a couple of blogs for more details.
Rossen Stoyanchev's Spring Framework 3.2 RC1: Spring MVC Test Framework
Sam Brannen's Spring Framework 3.2 RC1: New Testing Features