I am new to mongodb
and want to know about importing a json
file from one server to another. I tried the following command mongoimport -d tes
You can always write some shell scripts.
colls=( mycoll1 mycoll2 mycoll5 )
for c in ${colls[@]}
mongoimport -d mydb -c $c.json
I used the solutions here to add a shell function to my bash profile for doing this quickly.
My example depends on the mongo export outputting each collection as a file with the collection name and .metadata.json
function mimport() {
for filename in *; do
mongoimport --db $1 --collection $collection --file $filename;
Use in the path of the export files, passing the DB name to the command...
mimport my_db
Will load all collections into the DB at localhost.
Not sure whether it's a new feature, but mongoimport
now can actually read from stdin. So what one can do to import multiple JSON files is as simple as
cat *.json | mongoimport --uri "mongdb://user:password@host/db?option=value" --collection example
I'm using mongodb-tools v4.2.0 btw.
can potentially consume a high amount of memory which may cause the program to be kill by system OOM. My machine's got 32GB RAM and this happened consistently when I tried to import ~10GB of data which is stored in RAM disk.
To divide a relatively large job into batches:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -a json_files=()
for f in *.json; do
if [[ "${#json_files[@]}" -ge 1000 ]]; then
cat "${json_files[@]}" | mongoimport --uri="mongodb://user:pass@host/db" --collection=examples -j8 #--mode=upsert --upsertFields=id1
For windows bat file. This would be way better if you have a list of json files in the folder. and the collection name matches the name in files
@echo off
for %%f in (*.json) do (
"mongoimport.exe" --db databasename --collection %%~nf --drop --file %%f
Windows Batch version:
@echo off
for %%f in (*.json) do (
"mongoimport.exe" --jsonArray --db databasename --collection collectioname --file %%~nf.json
One line solution:
for /F %i in ('dir /b c:\files\*.json') do mongoimport.exe /d db /c files /file c:\file\%i