I\'m porting a Hangman game to Android and have met a few problems. The original Java program used the console, so now I have to somehow beautify the output so that it fits
Just initialize a String
object with your array
String s=new String(array);
With Java 8 or newer, you can use String.join
, which provides the same functionality:
Returns a new String composed of copies of the CharSequence elements joined together with a copy of the specified delimiter
String[] array = new String[] { "a", "n", "d", "r", "o", "i", "d" };
String joined = String.join("", array); //returns "android"
With an array of a different type, one should convert it to a String array or to a char sequence Iterable:
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
//both of the following return "1234567"
String joinedNumbers = String.join("",
Arrays.stream(numbers).mapToObj(String::valueOf).toArray(n -> new String[n]));
String joinedNumbers2 = String.join("",
The first argument to String.join
is the delimiter, and can be changed accordingly.
StringUtils.join(array, "");
Arrays.asList(arr).toString().substring(1).replaceFirst("]", "").replace(", ", "")
probably the best one: Arrays.toString(arr)
I used join() function like:
i=new Array("Hi", "Hello", "Cheers", "Greetings");
Which Prints:
See more: Javascript Join - Use Join to Make an Array into a String in Javascript