I hate to bring this here, while doing the learning of obfuscating the JS code, I encoded my code and then over wrote the orginal one without any backup :) Following is my o
Here's a new automated tool, JSNice, to try to deobfuscate/deminify it. The tool even tries to guess the variable names, which is unbelievably cool. (It mines Javascript on github for this purpose.)
Probably tools get outdated as time goes by, but I found https://lelinhtinh.github.io/de4js/ and it works great.
Your code becomes:
function call_func(_0x41dcx2) {
var _0x41dcx3 = eval('(' + _0x41dcx2 + ')');
var _0x41dcx4 = document.createElement('div');
var _0x41dcx5 = _0x41dcx3.id;
var _0x41dcx6 = _0x41dcx3.Student_name;
var _0x41dcx7 = _0x41dcx3.student_dob;
var _0x41dcx8 = '<b>ID:</b>';
_0x41dcx8 += '<a href="/learningyii/index.php?r=student/view& id=' + _0x41dcx5 + '">' + _0x41dcx5 + '</a>';
_0x41dcx8 += '<br/>';
_0x41dcx8 += '<b>Student Name:</b>';
_0x41dcx8 += _0x41dcx6;
_0x41dcx8 += '<br/>';
_0x41dcx8 += '<b>Student DOB:</b>';
_0x41dcx8 += _0x41dcx7;
_0x41dcx8 += '<br/>';
_0x41dcx4.innerHTML = _0x41dcx8;
_0x41dcx4.setAttribute('class', 'view');
Kudos to the dev!
Here it is:
function call_func(input) {
var evaled = eval('(' + input + ')');
var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
var id = evaled.id;
var name = evaled.Student_name;
var dob = evaled.student_dob;
var html = '<b>ID:</b>';
html += '<a href="/learningyii/index.php?r=student/view& id=' + id + '">' + id + '</a>';
html += '<br/>';
html += '<b>Student Name:</b>';
html += name;
html += '<br/>';
html += '<b>Student DOB:</b>';
html += dob;
html += '<br/>';
newDiv.innerHTML = html;
newDiv.setAttribute('class', 'view');
I have tried both of online jsbeautifier(jsbeautifier, jsnice), these tools gave me beautiful js code,
but couldn't copy for very large js (must be bug, when i copy, copied buffer contains only one character '-').
I found that only working solution was prettyjs:
Try this: http://jsbeautifier.org/
I tested with your code and worked as good as possible. =D
From the first link on google;
function call_func(_0x41dcx2) {
var _0x41dcx3 = eval('(' + _0x41dcx2 + ')');
var _0x41dcx4 = document['createElement']('div');
var _0x41dcx5 = _0x41dcx3['id'];
var _0x41dcx6 = _0x41dcx3['Student_name'];
var _0x41dcx7 = _0x41dcx3['student_dob'];
var _0x41dcx8 = '<b>ID:</b>';
_0x41dcx8 += '<a href="/learningyii/index.php?r=student/view& id=' + _0x41dcx5 + '">' + _0x41dcx5 + '</a>';
_0x41dcx8 += '<br/>';
_0x41dcx8 += '<b>Student Name:</b>';
_0x41dcx8 += _0x41dcx6;
_0x41dcx8 += '<br/>';
_0x41dcx8 += '<b>Student DOB:</b>';
_0x41dcx8 += _0x41dcx7;
_0x41dcx8 += '<br/>';
_0x41dcx4['innerHTML'] = _0x41dcx8;
_0x41dcx4['setAttribute']('class', 'view');
It won't get you all the way back to source, and that's not really possible, but it'll get you out of a hole.