I have a UIImageView
that is displaying an image that is wider and taller than the UIImageView
is. I would like to pan the image within the view us
Brad Larson pointed me down the right road with his suggestion to put the UIImageView
inside a UIScrollView
In the end I put the UIImageView
inside of a UIScrollView
, and set the scrollView's contentSize
and the imageView
's bounds to be the same size as the image in the UIImage:
UIImage* image = imageView.image;
imageView.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, image.size.width, image.size.height);
scrollView.contentSize = image.size;
Then, I can animate the scrollView's contentOffset
to achieve a nice panning effect:
[UIView beginAnimations:@"pan" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:animationDuration];
scrollView.contentOffset = newRect.origin;
[UIView commitAnimations];
In my particular case, I'm panning to a random space in the image. In order to find a proper rect to pan to and a proper duration to get a nice constant speed, I use the following:
UIImage* image = imageView.image;
float xNewOrigin = [TCBRandom randomIntLessThan:image.size.width - scrollView.bounds.size.width];
float yNewOrigin = [TCBRandom randomIntLessThan:image.size.height - scrollView.bounds.size.height];
CGRect oldRect = scrollView.bounds;
CGRect newRect = CGRectMake(
float xDistance = fabs(xNewOrigin - oldRect.origin.x);
float yDistance = fabs(yNewOrigin - oldRect.origin.y);
float hDistance = sqrtf(powf(xDistance, 2) + powf(yDistance, 2));
float hDistanceInPixels = hDistance;
float animationDuration = hDistanceInPixels / speedInPixelsPerSecond;
I'm using a speedInPixelsPerSecond
of 10.0f
, but other applications might want to use a different value.
I'd highly recommend enclosing your UIImageView
in a UIScrollView
. Have the UIImageView
display the full image, and set the contentSize on the UIScrollView
to be the same as your UIImageView's
size. Your window
into the image will be the size of the UIScrollView
, and by using scrollRectToVisible:animated:
you can pan to particular areas on the image in an animated fashion.
If you don't want scroll bars to appear, you can set the showsHorizontalScrollIndicator
and showsVerticalScrollIndicator
properties to NO
also provides pinch-zooming functionality, which may or may not be useful to you.