I use the code as follows:
content: \"Loading...\",
placement: \"bottom\"
After the popover has been correctly initialized, you can directly use jquery to replace the class="popover-content"
$(".popover-content").html('a nice new content')
Yes you can, in fact the easiest way haven't been suggested yet.
Here's my way ->
var popover = $('#example').data('bs.popover');
popover.options.content = "YOUR NEW TEXT";
popover is an object if you want to know more about it, try to do console.log(popover) after you define it to see how you can use it after !
As of Bootstrap 4 alpha 5, the data structure is a bit different. You'll need to use popover.config.content
instead of popover.options.content
Thanks to @kfriend for the comment
<button data-toggle="popover" data-html="true" data-content='<div id="myPopover">content</div>'>click</button>
This is a very clean way.
I solved the problem using @David and @Sujay sreedhar's answer, but if the popover is visible during the new content is loaded, the popover needs to be repositioned:
var popover = thisVal.attr('data-content',data).data('popover');
// if popover is visible before content has loaded
if ($(".reply").next('div.popover:visible').length){
// reposition
If it is not repositioned and the new content has e.g. a different height, the popover will expand downwards and the arrow will be off target!
Also, when the button is clicked afterwards it will re-open the popover instead of closing it. The above code solves, that problem too.
Demo http://jsfiddle.net/whFv6/
(My edit was rejected, so I thought I'd post it here..)
<a data-toggle="popover" popover-trigger="outsideClick" title="Indicadores" data-content="" data-html="true" class="Evaluar" id="alun codigo"><span><i class="fa fa-check"></i>algun nombre</span></a>
$('a.Evaluar').on('click', function () {
var a=$(this);//.attr('data-content', "mañana");
url: "../IndicadorControlador?accion=BuscarPorProceso&cP=24",
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json'
.done(function (response) {
//alert("done. ");
var ind = "";
$(response).each(function (indice, elemento) {
//console.log('El elemento con el índice ' + indice + ' contiene ' + elemento.strIdentificador.toString());
ind += '<a href=#>'+elemento.strIdentificador.toString()+'</a>';
$(a).attr('data-content', ind);
.fail(function () {
sweetAlert("ERROR!", " Algo salió mal en el controlador!", "error");
.complete(function () {
For Boostrap v4.3
The following code update the popover content just before it is displayed:
// When the popover is show
$('.my-popover').on('show.bs.popover', function () {
// Update popover content
$(this).attr('data-content', 'New content');
Test online on this JSFiddle.