Does any one know how I can specify the Default value for a DateTime property using the System.ComponentModel DefaultValue Attribute?
for example I try this:
Simply consider setting its value in the constructor of your entity class
public class Foo
public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; }
public Foo()
DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
In C# Version 6 it's possible to provide a default value
public DateTime fieldname { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;
public DateTime DateCreated
return (this.dateCreated == default(DateTime))
? this.dateCreated = DateTime.Now
: this.dateCreated;
set { this.dateCreated = value; }
private DateTime dateCreated = default(DateTime);
There's no reason I can come up with that it shouldn't be possible to do through an attribute. It might be in Microsoft's backlog. Who knows.
The best solution I have found is to use the defaultValueSql parameter in the code first migration.
c => new
TheDateField = c.DateTime(defaultValueSql: "GETDATE()")
I don't like the often reference solution of setting it in the entity class constructor because if anything other than Entity Framework sticks a record in that table, the date field won't get a default value. And the idea of using a trigger to handle that case just seems wrong to me.
I also wanted this and came up with this solution (I'm only using the date part - a default time makes no sense as a PropertyGrid default):
public class DefaultDateAttribute : DefaultValueAttribute {
public DefaultDateAttribute(short yearoffset)
: base(DateTime.Now.AddYears(yearoffset).Date) {
This just creates a new attribute that you can add to your DateTime property. E.g. if it defaults to DateTime.Now.Date:
How you deal with this at the moment depends on what model you are using Linq to SQL or EntityFramework?
In L2S you can add
public partial class NWDataContext
partial void InsertCategory(Category instance)
if(Instance.Date == null)
Instance.Data = DateTime.Now;
EF is a little more complicated see for more info on EF buisiness logic.