I think I found the answer to my question, I\'m just unsure of the syntax, I keep getting SQL errors.
Basically, I want to do the opposite of IN. Take this example:<
SELECT Users.id, count(tags.*) as tagCount
FROM Users Inner join tags
ON tags.user_id = users.id
WHERE tags.name='tag1' OR tags.name='tag2'
GROUP BY Users.id
HAVING count(tags.*) = 2
Give this a try
FROM users
INNER JOIN tags ON tags.user_id = users.id
WHERE users.id in
SELECT user_id
FROM tags
WHERE name IN ('tag1', 'tag2')
GROUP BY user_id
select * from users u
where 2 = (select count(*) from tags t where t.user_id = u.id and name in ('tag1','tag2'))
Assuming that any given tag can only be present once per user.
You'll want to join the tags table again.
INNER JOIN tags as t1 on t1.user_id = users.id and t1.name='tag1'
INNER JOIN tags as t2 on t2.user_id = users.id and t2.name='tag2'
You'll need to check for the existence of two rows, rather than being able to do a simple IN
(which will only check the values within each joined record). Maybe something like:
from users
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM tags WHERE tags.user_id = users.id AND tags.name = 'tag1')
AND EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM tags WHERE tags.user_id = users.id AND tags.name = 'tag2');