Apparently boost::asio::async_read
doesn\'t like strings, as the only overload of boost::asio::buffer
allows me to create const_buffer
I tested the first answer and got a compiler error when compiling using "g++ -std=c++11" What worked for me was:
#include <string>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <sstream>
//other code ...
boost::asio::streambuf response;
//more code
std::ostringstream sline;
sline << &response; //need '&' or you a compiler error
std::string line = sline.str();
This compiled and ran.
I don't know whether it counts as "excessive copying", but you can use a stringstream:
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << someStreamBuf;
std::string s = ss.str();
Like, to read everything from stdin into a string, do
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << std::cin.rdbuf();
std::string s = ss.str();
Alternatively, you may also use a istreambuf_iterator
. You will have to measure whether this or the above way is faster - i don't know.
std::string s((istreambuf_iterator<char>(someStreamBuf)),
Note that someStreamBuf
above is meant to represent a streambuf*
, so take its address as appropriate. Also note the additional parentheses around the first argument in the last example, so that it doesn't interpret it as a function declaration returning a string and taking an iterator and another function pointer ("most vexing parse").
I mostly don't like answers that say "You don't want X, you want Y instead and here's how to do Y" but in this instance I'm pretty sure I know what tstenner wanted.
In Boost 1.66, the dynamic string buffer type was added so async_read
can directly resize and write to a string buffer.
One can also obtain the characters from asio::streambuf
using std::basic_streambuf::sgetn
asio::streambuf in;
// ...
char cbuf[in.size()+1]; int rc = in.sgetn (cbuf, sizeof cbuf); cbuf[rc] = 0;
std::string str (cbuf, rc);
The reason you can only create const_buffer from std::string is because std::string explicitly doesn't support direct pointer-based writing in its contract. You could do something evil like resize your string to a certain size, then const_cast the constness from c_str() and treat it like a raw char* buffer, but that's very naughty and will get you in trouble someday.
I use std::vector for my buffers because as long as the vector doesn't resize (or you are careful to deal with resizing), you can do direct pointer writing just fine. If I need some of the data as a std::string, I have to copy it out, but the way I deal with my read buffers, anything that needs to last beyond the read callback needs to be copied out regardless.
For boost::asio::streambuf
you may find a solution like this:
boost::asio::streambuf buf;
/*put data into buf*/
std::istream is(&buf);
std::string line;
std::getline(is, line);
Print out the string :
std::cout << line << std::endl;
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