I\'m trying to set up some nested routes to add a common layout. Check the code out:
You can also try this :
<Route exact path="/Home"
If you do not want Layout
to run at loaded. Use this method:
<div className="container">
<Route path="/main" component={ChatList}/>
<Route exact path="/" component={Start} />
<Route path="/main/single" component={SingleChat} />
<Route path="/main/group" component={GroupChat} />
<Route path="/login" component={Login} />
Whenever history changes, componentWillReceiveProps in the ChatList will run.
CESCO's answer renders first the component AppShell
then one of the components inside Switch
. But these components are NOT going to render inside AppShell
, they will NOT be children of AppShell
In v4 to wrap components you don't put anymore your Route
s inside another Route
, you put your Route
s directly inside a component.
I.E : for the wrapper instead of <Route component={Layout}>
you directly use <Layout>
Full code :
<Route path='/abc' component={ABC} />
<Route path='/xyz' component={XYZ} />
The change is probably explained by the idea to make React Router v4 to be pure React so you only use React elements like with any other React element.
EDIT : I removed the Switch
component as it's not useful here. See when it's useful here.
<Route path='/abc' component={ABC} />
<Route path='/xyz' component={XYZ} />
You need to use the switch component to nesting to work nice. Also, see this question
// main app
// not setting a path prop, makes this always render
<Route component={AppShell}/>
<Route exact path="/" component={Login}/>
<Route path="/dashboard" component={AsyncDashboard(userAgent)}/>
<Route component={NoMatch}/>
And version-4 components do not take children, instead, you should use the render prop.
<Route render={(props)=>{
return <div>Whatever</div>}>