I just downloaded Docker Toolbox for Windows 10 64bit today. I\'m going through the tutorial. I\'m receving the following error when trying to build an image using a Docke
Make sure file name "Dockerfile" is not saved with any extension. Just create a file without any extension.
And make sure Dockerfile is in same directory from where you are trying to building docker image.
Just Remove the extension .txt from Dockerfile and run the command
docker build -t image-name
It will work for sure.
In case if we have multiple docker files in our environment just Dockerfile wont suffice our requirement.
docker build -t ihub -f Dockerfile.ihub .
So use the file
(-f argument) command to specify your docker file(Dockerfile.ihub)
while executing following command:
docker build -t docker-whale .
check that Dockerfile is present in your current working directory.
In windows 10... period is first parameter
docker build . -t docker-whale
Most importantly make sure your file name is Dockerfile
if you use another name it won't work(at least it did not for me.)
Also if you are in the same dir where the Dockerfile is use a .
docker build -t Myubuntu1:v1 .
or use the absolute path i.e
docker build -t Myubuntu1:v1 /Users/<username>/Desktop/Docker