Probably the answer is simple: How can I manually logout the currently logged in user in spring security? Is it sufficient to call:
Recently we had to implement logout functionality using Spring-security 3.0.5. Although this question is already answered above, I will post the complete code which would definitely help novice user like me :)
Configuration in Spring-security.xml
<http auto-config="false" lowercase-comparisons="false" use-expressions="true">
<custom-filter position="LOGOUT_FILTER" ref="logoutFilter" />
<beans:bean id="logoutFilter" class="">
<beans:constructor-arg name="logoutSuccessHandler" ref="xxxLogoutSuccessHandler" />
<beans:constructor-arg name="handlers">
<beans:ref bean="securityContextLogoutHandler"/>
<beans:ref bean="xxxLogoutHandler"/>
<beans:property name="filterProcessesUrl" value="/logout"/>
<beans:bean id="XXXLogoutSuccessHandler" class="com.tms.dis.sso.XXXLogoutSuccessHandler"/>
<beans:bean id="securityContextLogoutHandler" class="">
<beans:property name="invalidateHttpSession" value="true"/>
<beans:bean id="XXXLogoutHandler" class="com.tms.dis.sso.XXXLogoutHandler"/>
Here i have created two custom classes
Hope this would help and give the correct direction to the starter
Note: Intentionally have not posted code for custom implementation.
It's hard for me to say for sure if your code is enough. However standard Spring-security's implementation of logging out is different. If you took a look at SecurityContextLogoutHandler
you would see they do:
Moreover they optionally invalidate the HttpSession:
if (invalidateHttpSession) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session != null) {
You may find more information in some other question about logging out in Spring Security and by looking at the source code of
I use the same code in LogoutFilter, reusing the LogoutHandlers as following:
public static void myLogoff(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
CookieClearingLogoutHandler cookieClearingLogoutHandler = new CookieClearingLogoutHandler(AbstractRememberMeServices.SPRING_SECURITY_REMEMBER_ME_COOKIE_KEY);
SecurityContextLogoutHandler securityContextLogoutHandler = new SecurityContextLogoutHandler();
cookieClearingLogoutHandler.logout(request, response, null);
securityContextLogoutHandler.logout(request, response, null);
In Servlet 3.0 container Spring logout functionality is integrated with servlet and you just invoke logout()
on your HttpServletRequest
. Still need to write valid response content.
According to documentation (Spring 3.2):
The HttpServletRequest.logout() method can be used to log the current user out.
Typically this means that the SecurityContextHolder will be cleared out, the HttpSession will be invalidated, any "Remember Me" authentication will be cleaned up, etc.
Simply do like this (the ones commented by "concern you") :
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); // concern you
User currUser = userService.getUserById(auth.getName()); // some of DAO or Service...
SecurityContextLogoutHandler ctxLogOut = new SecurityContextLogoutHandler(); // concern you
if( currUser == null ){
ctxLogOut.logout(request, response, auth); // concern you
You can also use SessionRegistry as:
If you want to force logout in all sessions of a user then use getAllSessions
method and call expireNow
of each session information.
This requires ConcurrentSessionFilter
(or any other filter in the chain), that checks SessionInformation and calls all logout handlers and then do redirect.