I am using the gm
package for Node.js along with the default ImageMagick installation that is available on AWS Lambda.
const gm = require(\'gm\'
I was struggling on this for a couple of days, ended up going through the process myself and it does indeed work.
ImageMagick is no longer bundled with the Node.js 10.x runtime. There are 3 options to get ImageMagick working with your Node.js 10.x function:
1) Package the dependency and include it in your uploaded ZIP file (like this one)
But with option: The deployment package of your Lambda function "image-magick-example-zip-demo" is too large to enable inline code editing. However, you can still invoke your function.
2) Create or use a Lambda Layer that includes ImageMagick, to do that:
clone git@github.com:hmagdy/imagemagick-aws-lambda-Node.js10.x.git
cd imagemagick-aws-lambda-2
start Docker services
make all
That would create a layer.zip inside build folder. But to save you some time here’s a zip file you can use to create a Lambda Layer.
When you create the layer make sure you add Node.js 10.x as a supported runtime. You can then set your function to use the latest Node.js 10.x and add the layer you created. The image conversion should then work again!
Then you can create your aws lambda function like this
3) NodeJS Runtime Environment (npm) with AWS Lambda Layers, to do that:
Also, if you want to use
const imageThumbnail = require('image-thumbnail');
and got
Runtime.ImportModuleError: Error: Cannot find module 'image-thumbnail'
you should follow option 3:
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