I have been using Parse to retrieve a data for a list view. Unfortunately they limit requests to 100 by default to a 1000 max. I have well over that 1000 max in my class. I
Here is a JavaScript version without promises..
These are the global variables (collections are not required, just a bad habit of mine)..
///create a collection of cool things and instantiate it (globally)
var CoolCollection = Parse.Collection.extend({
model: CoolThing
}), coolCollection = new CoolCollection();
This is the "looping" function that gets your results..
//recursive call, initial loopCount is 0 (we haven't looped yet)
function getAllRecords(loopCount){
///set your record limit
var limit = 1000;
///create your eggstra-special query
new Parse.Query(CoolThings)
.skip(limit * loopCount) //<-important
success: function (results) {
if(results.length > 0){
//we do stuff in here like "add items to a collection of cool things"
for(var j=0; j < results.length; j++){
loopCount++; //<--increment our loop because we are not done
getAllRecords(loopCount); //<--recurse
//our query has run out of steam, this else{} will be called one time only
//do something awesome with each of your cool things
error: function (error) {
//badness with the find
This is how you call it (or you could do it other ways):
Warning: this is not tested!
An attempt to adapt nyxee's answer to be usable for any query:
func getAllRecords(for query: PFQuery<PFObject>, then doThis: @escaping (_ objects: [PFObject]?, _ error: Error?)->Void) {
let limit = 1000
var objectArray : [PFObject] = []
query.limit = limit
func recursiveQuery(_ loopCount: Int = 0){
query.skip = limit * loopCount
query.findObjectsInBackground(block: { (objects, error) in
if let objects = objects {
objectArray.append(contentsOf: objects)
if objects.count == limit {
recursiveQuery(loopCount + 1)
} else {
doThis(objectArray, error)
} else {
doThis(objects, error)
A Swift 3 Example:
var users = [String] ()
var payments = [String] ()
///set your record limit
let limit = 29
//recursive call, initial loopCount is 0 (we haven't looped yet)
func loadAllPaymentDetails(_ loopCount: Int){
///create your NEW eggstra-special query
let paymentsQuery = Payments.query()
paymentsQuery?.limit = limit
paymentsQuery?.skip = limit*loopCount
paymentsQuery?.findObjectsInBackground(block: { (objects, error) in
if let objects = objects {
//print(#file.getClass()," ",#function," loopcount: ",loopCount," #ReturnedObjects: ", objects.count)
if objects.count > 0 {
//print(#function, " no. of objects :", objects.count)
for paymentsObject in objects {
let user = paymentsObject[Utils.name] as! String
let amount = paymentsObject[Utils.amount] as! String
//recurse our loop with increment because we are not done
self.loadAllPaymentDetails(loopCount + 1); //<--recurse
}else {
//our query has run out of steam, this else{} will be called one time only
//if the Table had been initially empty, lets inform the user:
if self.users.count == 1 {
Utils.createAlert(self, title: "No Payment has been made yet", message: "Please Encourage Users to make some Payments", buttonTitle: "Ok")
}else {
}else if error != nil {
}else {
print("Unknown Error")
adapted from @deLux_247's example above.
So after 5 years, 4 months the above answer of @SquiresSquire needed some changes to make it work for me, and I would like to share it with you
private static List<ParseObject>allObjects = new ArrayList<ParseObject>();
ParseQuery<ParseObject> parseQuery = new ParseQuery<ParseObject>("CLASSNAME");
FindCallback <ParseObject> getAllObjects() {
return new FindCallback <ParseObject>() {
public void done(List<ParseObject> objects, ParseException e) {
if (e == null) {
int limit = 1000;
if (objects.size() == limit) {
skip = skip + limit;
ParseQuery query = new ParseQuery("CLASSNAME");
//We have a full PokeDex
else {
In C# I use this recursion:
private static async Task GetAll(int count = 0, int limit = 1000)
if (count * limit != list.Count) return;
var res = await ParseObject.GetQuery("Row").Limit(limit).Skip(list.Count).FindAsync();
res.ToList().ForEach(x => list.Add(x));
await GetAll(++count);
JS version:
function getAll(list) {
new Parse.Query(Row).limit(1000).skip(list.length).find().then(function (result) {
list = list.concat(result);
if (result.length != 1000) {
//do here something with the list...
Usage: GetAll()
in C#, and getAll([])
in JS.
I store all rows from the class Row
in the list
. In each request I get 1000 rows and skip the current size of the list
. Recursion stops when the current number of exported rows is different from the expected.
You could achieve this using CloudCode... Make a custom function you can call that will enumerate the entire collection and build a response from that but a wiser choice would be to paginate your requests, and fetch the records 1000 (or even less) at a time, adding them into your list dynamically as required.