I\'m using eclipse egit with github. I found something strange that I didn\'t change anything, but egit marked the file as "changed". See the images:
you can ignore whitespace differences with Eclipse settings under Compare/Patch. Preferences-->General-->Compare/Patch,you can find the "Ignore white space" in the right,and select this option.
One of the first things I've had issues with in Git.
I've said this forever:
git config --system core.autocrlf false
To get rid of CR highlighting in diff and patch views, use:
git config --system core.whitespace cr-at-eol
If you share your computers with others, replace '--system' with '--global'.
For eclipse specific issues for linefeed, you can also change the return character in Eclipse Preferences where you can change the New text file line delimiter from Windows syntax to Unix which should help.
I also have the same issue from the Eclipse git commit is showing this issue
once modified file and finally removed the changes from the file even though it showing the file in Un staged changes section.
Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Team -> Git -> Configuration -> User Settings (right side tab)
click on Add Entry
Key : core.autocrlf
Value: true
click on Ok then click on Apply -> Ok Refresh your "Git Staging tab" or check the Team -> commit option. now it will only show the exact changes only.
In General->Workspace. Select Text encoding UTF-8
Eclipse Preferences / Team / Git / Configuration / User Settings
("core" section)
key: autocrlf
value: false
The key should already exist, so just need to edit the value.
If creating a new key then use core.autocrlf