Under the target folder in IntelliJ for a Java project I created, I have a few java source files in the package. Beside each file the \'J\' icon has a red circle with a lin
It means those files aren't part of the project settings.
The first answer from irreputable above that starts out with "you need to specify the source dir" is correct, but I don't see him telling you the easy way to do so.
Simply right click on the java sources folder ("java" under src/main/java if it is a Maven project for example) and select Mark Directory As > Sources Root (see screenshot below).
I downloaded a project from github with .idea folder. After deleting that folder, everything was ok.
Find all IntelliJ (v15) symbols over here: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/symbols.html
This site states that this icon stands for "Java class located out of the source root. Refer to the section Configuring Content Roots for details."
Maybe your project has not been as android project by android studio, please make sure that plugin 'android support' has been enabled(Android Studio Preferences -> Plugins -> Select Android Support)
If it is a maven project