Is there a way in JS to get the progress of a loading image while the image is being loaded? I want to use the new Progress tag of HTML5 to show the progress of loading imag
Sebastian's answer is excellent, the best I've seen to this question. There are, however, a few possible improvements. I use his code modified like this:
Image.prototype.load = function( url, callback ) {
var thisImg = this,
xmlHTTP = new XMLHttpRequest();
thisImg.completedPercentage = 0; 'GET', url , true );
xmlHTTP.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xmlHTTP.onload = function( e ) {
var h = xmlHTTP.getAllResponseHeaders(),
m = h.match( /^Content-Type\:\s*(.*?)$/mi ),
mimeType = m[ 1 ] || 'image/png';
// Remove your progress bar or whatever here. Load is done.
var blob = new Blob( [ this.response ], { type: mimeType } );
thisImg.src = window.URL.createObjectURL( blob );
if ( callback ) callback( this );
xmlHTTP.onprogress = function( e ) {
if ( e.lengthComputable )
thisImg.completedPercentage = parseInt( ( e.loaded / ) * 100 );
// Update your progress bar here. Make sure to check if the progress value
// has changed to avoid spamming the DOM.
// Something like:
// if ( prevValue != thisImage completedPercentage ) display_progress();
xmlHTTP.onloadstart = function() {
// Display your progress bar here, starting at 0
thisImg.completedPercentage = 0;
xmlHTTP.onloadend = function() {
// You can also remove your progress bar here, if you like.
thisImg.completedPercentage = 100;
Mainly I added a mime-type and some minor details. Use as Sebastian describes. Works well.