I know that adding innerHTML to document fragments has been recently discussed, and will hopefully see inclusion in the DOM Standard. But, what is the workaround you\'re sup
Like @dandavis said, there is a standard way by using the template-tag.
But if you like to support IE11 and you need to parse table elements like '<td>test', you can use this function:
function createFragment(html){
var tmpl = document.createElement('template');
tmpl.innerHTML = html;
if (tmpl.content == void 0){ // ie11
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
var isTableEl = /^[^\S]*?<(t(?:head|body|foot|r|d|h))/i.test(html);
tmpl.innerHTML = isTableEl ? '<table>'+html : html;
var els = isTableEl ? tmpl.querySelector(RegExp.$1).parentNode.childNodes : tmpl.childNodes;
while(els[0]) fragment.appendChild(els[0]);
return fragment;
return tmpl.content;
Currently, the only way to fill a document fragment using only a string is to create a temporary object, and loop through the children to append them to the fragment.
If you want to create a whole document, use the DOMParser instead. Have a look at this answer.
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
tmp = document.createElement('body'), child;
tmp.innerHTML = '<div>x</div><span>y</span>';
while (child = tmp.firstElementChild) {
A one-liner (two lines for readability) (input: String html
, output: DocumentFragment frag
var frag =document.createDocumentFragment(), t=document.createElement('body'), c;
t.innerHTML = html; while(c=t.firstElementChild) frag.appendChild(c);
Here is a way in modern browsers without looping:
var temp = document.createElement('template');
temp.innerHTML = '<div>x</div><span>y</span>';
var frag = temp.content;
or, as a re-usable
function fragmentFromString(strHTML) {
var temp = document.createElement('template');
temp.innerHTML = strHTML;
return temp.content;
UPDATE: I found a simpler way to use Pete's main idea, which adds IE11 to the mix:
function fragmentFromString(strHTML) {
return document.createRange().createContextualFragment(strHTML);
The coverage is better than the <template>
method and tested ok in IE11, Ch, FF.
Live test/demo available http://pagedemos.com/str2fragment/
No one ever provided the requested "easy one-liner".
Given the variables…
var html = '<div>x</div><span>y</span>';
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
… the following line will do the trick (in Firefox 67.0.4):
frag.append(...new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html").body.childNodes);
I would go with something like this..
function fragmentFromString(html) {
const range = new Range();
const template = range.createContextualFragment(html);
return range;
// Append to body
// document.body.append(fragmentFromString(`<div>a</div>`).cloneContents())
This way you keep the content inside a Range object and you get all the needed methods for free.
You can find the list of all Range methods and properties here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Range
Note: Remember to use detatch()
method once you are done with it to avoid leaks and improve performance.
Use Range.createContextualFragment:
var html = '<div>x</div><span>y</span>';
var range = document.createRange();
// or whatever context the fragment is to be evaluated in.
var parseContext = document.body;
var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(html);
Note that the primary differences between this approach and the <template>
approach are:
Range.createContextualFragment is a bit more widely supported (IE11 just got it, Safari, Chrome and FF have had it for a while).
Custom elements within the HTML will be upgraded immediately with the range, but only when cloned into the real doc with template. The template approach is a bit more 'inert', which may be desirable.