Why are compilers so stupid?

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借酒劲吻你 2020-11-29 18:07

I always wonder why compilers can\'t figure out simple things that are obvious to the human eye. They do lots of simple optimizations, but never something even a little bit

  • 2020-11-29 18:53

    Absolute optimization is an undecidable problem, that means, there is no Turing machine (and, therefore, no computer program) that can yield the optimal version of ANY given program.

    Some simple optimizations can be (and, in fact, are) done, but, in the examples you gave...

    1. To detect that your first program always prints zero, the compiler would have to detect that x remains constant despite all the loop iterations. How can you explain (I know, it's not the best word, but I can't come up with another) that to a compiler?

    2. How can the compiler know that the StringBuilder is the right tool for the job without ANY reference to it?

    In a real-world application, if efficiency is critical in a part of your application, it must be written in a low-level language like C. (Haha, seriously, I wrote this?)

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  • 2020-11-29 18:54

    The HotSpot JIT compiler will only optimize code that has been running for some time. By the time your code is hot, the loop has already been started and the JIT compiler has to wait until the next time the method is entered to look for ways to optimize away the loop. If you call the method several times, you might see better performance.

    This is covered in the HotSpot FAQ, under the question "I write a simple loop to time a simple operation and it's slow. What am I doing wrong?".

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  • 2020-11-29 18:54

    I have never seen the point in dead code elimination in the first place. Why did the programmer write it?? If you're going to do something about dead code, declare it a compiler error! It almost certainly means the programmer made a mistake--and for the few cases it doesn't, a compiler directive to use a variable would be the proper answer. If I put dead code in a routine I want it executed--I'm probably planning to inspect the results in the debugger.

    The case where the compiler could do some good is pulling out loop invariants. Sometimes clarity says to code the calculation in the loop and having the compiler pull such things out would be good.

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  • 2020-11-29 18:54

    This is an example of procedural code v. functional code.

    You have detailed a procedure for the compiler to follow, so the optimisations are going to be based around the procedure detailed and will minimise any side effects or not optimise where it will not be doing what you expect. This makes it easier to debug.

    If you put in a functional description of what you want eg. SQL then you are giving the compiler a wide range of options to optimise.

    Perhaps some type of code analysis would be able to find this type of issue or profiling at run-time, but then you will want to change the source to something more sensible.

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  • 2020-11-29 18:55

    It's an eternal arms race between compiler writers and programmers.

    Non-contrived examples work great -- most compilers do indeed optimize away the obviously useless code.

    Contrived examines will always stump the compiler. Proof, if any was needed, that any programmer is smarter than any program.

    In the future, you'll need more contrived examples than the one's you've posted here.

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  • 2020-11-29 18:56

    Actually, Java should use string builder in your second example.

    The basic problem with trying to optimize these examples away is that doing so would require theorem proving. Which means that the compiler would need to construct a mathematical proof of what you're code will actually do. And that's no small task at all. In fact, being able to prove that all code really does have an effect is equivalent to the halting problem.

    Sure, you can come up with trivial examples, but the number of trivial examples is unlimited. You could always think of something else, so there is no way to catch them all.

    Of course, it is possible for some code to be proven not to have any effect, as in your examples. What you would want to do is have the compiler optimize away every problem that can be proven unused in P time.

    But anyway, that's a ton of work and it doesn't get you all that much. People spend a lot of time trying to figure out ways to prevent programs from having bugs in them, and type systems like those in Java and Scala are attempts to prevent bugs, but right now no one is using type systems to make statements about execution time, as far as I know.

    You might want to look into Haskel, which I think has the most advanced theory proving stuff, although I'm not sure on that. I don't know it myself.

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