Why are compilers so stupid?

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借酒劲吻你 2020-11-29 18:07

I always wonder why compilers can\'t figure out simple things that are obvious to the human eye. They do lots of simple optimizations, but never something even a little bit

  • 2020-11-29 18:48

    Compilers are as smart as we make them. I don't know too many programmers who would bother writing a compiler that would check for constructs such as the ones you used. Most concentrate on more typical ways to improve performance.

    It is possible that someday we will have software, including compilers, that can actually learn and grow. When that day comes most, maybe all, programmers will be out of job.

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  • 2020-11-29 18:49

    A compiler's job is to optimize how the code does something, not what the code does.

    When you write a program, you are telling the computer what to do. If a compiler changed your code to do something other than what you told it to, it wouldn't be a very good compiler! When you write x += x + x + x + x + x, you are explicitly telling the computer that you want it to set x to 6 times itself. The compiler may very well optimize how it does this (e.g. multiplying x by 6 instead of doing repeated addition), but regardless it will still calculate that value in some way.

    If you don't want something to be done, don't tell someone to do it.

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  • 2020-11-29 18:50

    Did you compile to release code? I think a good compiler detects in your second example that the string is never used an removes the entire loop.

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  • 2020-11-29 18:51

    I hate to bring this up on such an old question (how did I get here, anyway?), but I think part of this might be something of a holdout from the days of the Commodore 64.

    In the early 1980s, everything ran on a fixed clock. There was no Turbo Boosting and code was always created for a specific system with a specific processor and specific memory, etc. In Commodore BASIC, the standard method for implementing delays looked a lot like:

    10 FOR X = 1 TO 1000

    (Actually, in practice, it more closely resembled 10FORX=1TO1000:NEXT, but you know what I mean.)

    If they were to optimize this, it would break everything—nothing would ever be timed. I don't know of any examples, but I'm sure there are lots of little things like this scattered through the history of compiled languages that prevented things from being optimized.

    Admittedly, these non-optimizations aren't necessary today. There's probably, however, some unspoken rule among compiler developers not to optimize things like this. I wouldn't know.

    Just be glad that your code is optimized somewhat, unlike code on the C64. Displaying a bitmap on the C64 could take up to 60 seconds with the most efficient BASIC loops; thus, most games, etc. were written in machine language. Writing games in machine language isn't fun.

    Just my thoughts.

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  • 2020-11-29 18:52

    Mostly what you're complaining about is 'why are Java compiler so stupid', since most other language compilers are much smarter.

    The reason for the stupidity of Java compilers is historical. First, the original java implementations were interpreter based, and performance was consisdered unimportant. Second, many of the original java benchmarks were problematic to optimize. I recall one benchmark that looked a lot like your second example. Unfortunately, if the compiler optimized the loop away, the benchmark would get a divide by zero exception when it tried to divide a baseline number by the elapsed time to compute its performance score. So when writing a optimizing java compiler, you had to be very careful NOT to optimize some things, as people would then claim your compiler was broken.

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  • 2020-11-29 18:52

    It's almost considered bad practice to optimize things like this when compiling down to JVM bytecode. Sun's javac does have some basic optimizations, as does scalac, groovyc, etc. In short, anything that's truely language-specific can get optimized within the compiler. However, things like this which are obviously so contrived as to be language agnostic will slip through simply out of policy.

    The reason for this is it allows HotSpot to have a much more consistent view of the bytecode and its patterns. If the compilers start mucking about with edge cases, that reduces the VM's ability to optimize the general case which may not be apparent at compile time. Steve Yeggie likes to harp on about this: optimization is often easier when performed at runtime by a clever virtual machine. He even goes so far as to claim that HotSpot strips out javac's optimizations. While I don't know if this is true, it wouldn't surprise me.

    To summarize: compilers targeting VMs have a very different set of criteria, particularly in the area of optimization and when it is appropriate. Don't go blaming the compiler writers for leaving the work to the far-more-capable JVM. As pointed out several times on this thread, modern compilers targeting the native architecture (like the gcc family) are extremely clever, producing obscenely fast code through some very smart optimizations.

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