I want to send emails from R. This is what I have so far:
from <- \"eamil@example.com\"
to <- \"email2@example.com\"
subject <-
I found the simplest way in Ubuntu is to run the one liner Terminal command in R. No need for password.
try(system("mutt -s 'Run is complete.' youremail@anymail.com < /dev/null", intern = TRUE))
You will need to install mutt in terminal before this.
If you need to be able to use an smtp server with authentication you can use the mailR
For example using gmail's smtp server:
sender <- "SENDER@gmail.com"
recipients <- c("RECIPIENT@gmail.com")
send.mail(from = sender,
to = recipients,
subject = "Subject of the email",
body = "Body of the email",
smtp = list(host.name = "smtp.gmail.com", port = 465,
user.name = "YOURUSERNAME@gmail.com",
passwd = "YOURPASSWORD", ssl = TRUE),
authenticate = TRUE,
send = TRUE)