Given the following format (.properties or .ini):
Here is link to my project: It is a library with methods for working with *.properties files for Python 3.x.
But it is not based on java.util.Properties
This is a one-to-one replacement of java.util.Propeties
From the doc:
def __parse(self, lines):
""" Parse a list of lines and create
an internal property dictionary """
# Every line in the file must consist of either a comment
# or a key-value pair. A key-value pair is a line consisting
# of a key which is a combination of non-white space characters
# The separator character between key-value pairs is a '=',
# ':' or a whitespace character not including the newline.
# If the '=' or ':' characters are found, in the line, even
# keys containing whitespace chars are allowed.
# A line with only a key according to the rules above is also
# fine. In such case, the value is considered as the empty string.
# In order to include characters '=' or ':' in a key or value,
# they have to be properly escaped using the backslash character.
# Some examples of valid key-value pairs:
# key value
# key=value
# key:value
# key value1,value2,value3
# key value1,value2,value3 \
# value4, value5
# key
# This key= this value
# key = value1 value2 value3
# Any line that starts with a '#' is considerered a comment
# and skipped. Also any trailing or preceding whitespaces
# are removed from the key/value.
# This is a line parser. It parses the
# contents like by line.
I did this using ConfigParser as follows. The code assumes that there is a file called config.prop in the same directory where BaseTest is placed:
import unittest
import ConfigParser
class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
__SECTION = 'CredentialSection'
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
self.__app_name = config.get(__SECTION, '')
def test1(self):
print self.__app_name % This should print: MyAppName
I have created a python module that is almost similar to the Properties class of Java ( Actually it is like the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in spring which lets you use ${variable-reference} to refer to already defined property )
EDIT : You may install this package by running the command(currently tested for python 3).
pip install property
The project is hosted on GitHub
Example : ( Detailed documentation can be found here )
Let's say you have the following properties defined in file
foo = I am awesome
bar = ${chocolate}-bar
chocolate = fudge
Code to load the above properties
from properties.p import Property
prop = Property()
# Simply load it into a dictionary
dic_prop = prop.load_property_files('')
create a dictionary in your python module and store everything into it and access it, for example:
dict = {
'portalPath' : '',
'elementID': 'submit'}
Now to access it you can simply do:
submitButton = driver.find_element_by_id(dict['elementID'])
If you have an option of file formats I suggest using .ini and Python's ConfigParser as mentioned. If you need compatibility with Java .properties files I have written a library for it called jprops. We were using pyjavaproperties, but after encountering various limitations I ended up implementing my own. It has full support for the .properties format, including unicode support and better support for escape sequences. Jprops can also parse any file-like object while pyjavaproperties only works with real files on disk.