I\'m trying to create a full path if it doesn\'t exist.
The code looks like this:
var fs = require(\'fs\');
if (!fs.existsSync(newDest)) fs.mkdirSync
NodeJS version 10.12.0
has added a native support for both mkdir
and mkdirSync
to create a directory recursively with recursive: true option as the following:
fs.mkdirSync(targetDir, { recursive: true });
And if you prefer fs Promises API, you can write
fs.promises.mkdir(targetDir, { recursive: true });
Create directories recursively if they do not exist! (Zero dependencies)
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
function mkDirByPathSync(targetDir, { isRelativeToScript = false } = {}) {
const sep = path.sep;
const initDir = path.isAbsolute(targetDir) ? sep : '';
const baseDir = isRelativeToScript ? __dirname : '.';
return targetDir.split(sep).reduce((parentDir, childDir) => {
const curDir = path.resolve(baseDir, parentDir, childDir);
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'EEXIST') { // curDir already exists!
return curDir;
// To avoid `EISDIR` error on Mac and `EACCES`-->`ENOENT` and `EPERM` on Windows.
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { // Throw the original parentDir error on curDir `ENOENT` failure.
throw new Error(`EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '${parentDir}'`);
const caughtErr = ['EACCES', 'EPERM', 'EISDIR'].indexOf(err.code) > -1;
if (!caughtErr || caughtErr && curDir === path.resolve(targetDir)) {
throw err; // Throw if it's just the last created dir.
return curDir;
}, initDir);
// Default, make directories relative to current working directory.
// Make directories relative to the current script.
mkDirByPathSync('path/to/dir', {isRelativeToScript: true});
// Make directories with an absolute path.
Try It!
for Mac and EPERM
for Windows. Thanks to all the reporting comments by @PediT., @JohnQ, @deed02392, @robyoder and @Almenon.{isRelativeToScript: true}
concatenation, to avoid cross-platform issues.try/catch
if thrown to handle race conditions: another process may add the file between the calls to fs.existsSync() and fs.mkdirSync() and causes an exception.
if (!fs.existsSync(curDir) fs.mkdirSync(curDir);
. But this is an anti-pattern that leaves the code vulnerable to race conditions. Thanks to @GershomMaes comment about the directory existence check.fs-extra adds file system methods that aren't included in the native fs module. It is a drop in replacement for fs.
Install fs-extra
$ npm install --save fs-extra
const fs = require("fs-extra");
// Make sure the output directory is there.
There are sync and async options.
Example for Windows (no extra dependencies and error handling)
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
let dir = "C:\\temp\\dir1\\dir2\\dir3";
function createDirRecursively(dir) {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
createDirRecursively(path.join(dir, ".."));
createDirRecursively(dir); //creates dir1\dir2\dir3 in C:\temp
const fs = require('fs');
try {
fs.mkdirSync(path, { recursive: true });
} catch (error) {
// this make script keep running, even when folder already exist
I had issues with the recursive option of fs.mkdir so I made a function that does the following:
Makes each directory needed, including the final
function createDirectoryIfNotExistsRecursive(dirname) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fs = require('fs');
var slash = '/';
// backward slashes for windows
if(require('os').platform() === 'win32') {
slash = '\\';
// initialize directories with final directory
var directories_backwards = [dirname];
var minimize_dir = dirname;
while (minimize_dir = minimize_dir.substring(0, minimize_dir.lastIndexOf(slash))) {
var directories_needed = [];
//stop on first directory found
for(const d in directories_backwards) {
if(!(fs.existsSync(directories_backwards[d]))) {
} else {
//no directories missing
if(!directories_needed.length) {
return resolve();
// make all directories in ascending order
var directories_forwards = directories_needed.reverse();
for(const d in directories_forwards) {
return resolve();
Now with NodeJS >= 10.12.0
, you can use fs.mkdirSync(path, { recursive: true })