I want to know the most recent record in a collection. How to do that?
Note: I know the following command line queries works:
1. db.test.find().sort(
This is how to get the last record from all MongoDB documents from the "foo" collection.(change foo,x,y.. etc.)
db.foo.aggregate([{$sort:{ x : 1, date : 1 } },{$group: { _id: "$x" ,y: {$last:"$y"},yz: {$last:"$yz"},date: { $last : "$date" }}} ],{ allowDiskUse:true })
you can add or remove from the group
help articles: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#pipe._S_group
This is a rehash of the previous answer but it's more likely to work on different mongodb versions.