Why am I getting a \"401 Unauthorized\" error in Maven?
Here\'s the error I\'m getting when calling mvn deploy
(full logs at the bottom):
just change in settings.xml these as aliteralmind says:
you probably need to get the username / password from sonatype dot com.
In Nexus version 3.13.0-01, the id
in the POM's distributionManagement/repository
section MUST match the servers/server/id
and mirrors/mirror/id
in your maven settings.xml. I just replaced nexus v3.10.4 (with 3.13.0-01) and it wasn't needed to match for 3.10.4.
It could be caused by wrong version, you can double check the parent's version and lib's version, to make sure they're correct and not duplicated, I've experienced same problem
Had similar issue. Had to pin the maven deploy plugin to specific version in pom.xml:
This version is what broke my builds:
[INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:3.0.0-M1:deploy (default-cli) @ dbl ---
I've had similar errors when trying to deploy a Gradle artefact to a Nexus Sonatype repository. You will get a 401 Unauthorized error if you supply the wrong credentials (password etc). You also get an error (and off the top of my head is also a 401) if you try to publish something to a releases repository and that version already exists in the repository. So you might find that by publishing from the command line it works, but then when you do it from a script it fails (because it didn't exist in the repository the first time around). Either publish using a different version number, or delete the old artefact on the server and republish.
The SNAPSHOTS repository (as opposed to the releases repository) allows you to overwrite a similarly numbered version, but your version number should have "-SNAPSHOT" at the end of it.
I had put a not encrypted password in the settings.xml .
I tested the call with curl
curl -u username:password http://url/artifactory/libs-snapshot-local/com/myproject/api/1.0-SNAPSHOT/api-1.0-20160128.114425-1.jar --request PUT --data target/api-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
and I got the error:
"errors" : [ {
"status" : 401,
"message" : "Artifactory configured to accept only encrypted passwords but received a clear text password."
} ]
I retrieved my encrypted password clicking on my artifactory profile and unlocking it.